since cox messed up my email, i've had to use webmail to start. i need to check spam several times daily and i sort thru the stuff i consider spam or annoying and opt out of as much as possible. after i have gathered everything pertinent i download to my 3rd party mail client. so, webmail. yes.
i long ago i deleted everything in my spam settings. some were keeping me from getting amazon...and I DID NOT PUT THEM THERE! i do have some blocked senders which i DID set up, but no filters.
sorry for the delay. out of town. that's when i HAVE to depend on webmail.
i will say the spam filter IS catching more obvious spam now. the stuff from nigeria, the FBI, etc. but i do get spam ads which i think are from the same domain (see colleen...and i have not verified but the opt outs are the same format) and opting out of one, just gets me sent a different one, but i always report it as cox & uce.
but just today, it spamed kamala harris again. and they REALLY don't want me to get mail from hillary!! can a filter be partisan???
this is an internal cox issue. not my settings.