Forum Discussion

BlueMarrow's avatar
New Contributor II
6 years ago

Fiber Optic Gigablast service unusable through VPN do to slow speeds

All was well until about July 2019. My upload speeds without VPN were 900, and my speeds through my VPN (Cisco AnyConnect) were 250 connecting to my hospital network.

After that, my connection without the VPN stayed the same. Through the VPN, however, speeds dropped to about 8. Unusable for my needs.

For a short period, speeds went to about 40 for about 2-3 weeks in Sept or Oct, then back to 8. Today I'm at 6.

One of my partners, and the IT director of the hospitals have fiber, and the same problem.

After extensive testing by the hospital IT team, they determined the problem is definitely on the Cox end. A level 2 or 3 Cox IT employee went to the home of the IT director, ran his own tests, and confirmed the problem is on Cox's end. That was weeks ago. No communication, known action, or resolution.

In the mean time, I'm still being charged over $100/month for a service that does not perform anywhere close to advertised, and is useless for my work needs.

I have spent 4-5 hours, made over 20 phone calls, and had 2 no show service calls attempting to get a second line (Coax with speeds "Up to 300", which is what I'm told by Cox is my only other option at this time to connect to work with usable speeds).

I get nothing but the run around. People say they will help, try to schedule an installation, and the system won't process the order. When I try to follow up with them, they don't answer, return my messages, or respond to my emails.

Any assistance or advice would be welcome. Thank you in advance.

  • Your response is perfectly emblematic with exactly what is wrong with Cox employees, and the company. READ MY FIRST POST. It's been determined by a Cox network engineer who tested the system at the home of the Director of IT for the hospital system that IT IS A PROBLEM ON THE COX END.

    Furthermore, why did you request that I run the trace route on your original reply? Was your goal to only waste more of my time? Or did you just not read/comprehend my original post? Why was your most recent response not your first response? 

  • KevinM2's avatar
    Former Moderator
    Hi BlueMarrow, so I am understanding the situation correctly, are you experiencing slow speeds while using the VPN? Would you be able to perform a hard-wired speed test without the VPN and provide results? If you are continuing to experience slow speeds while not using the VPN, would you be able to provide a traceroute to the hospital's server so we can have it reviewed? -Kevin M. Cox Support Forum Moderator
    • BlueMarrow's avatar
      New Contributor II

      For clarification:

      This issue is unique to Cox fiber optic clients. My partners connected by coax have connection speeds through the VPN in the of about 150.

      • KevinM2's avatar
        Former Moderator
        Blue Marrow, Cox does not provide technical support for VPNs, and VPNs can also slow down your network. Cox has no control over how your employer's IT department manages its VPN. Once you're signed into the VPN, you're effectively no longer using the Cox network. We recommend contacting your employer's IT Department for additional support. -Kevin M. Cox Support Forum Moderator
    • BlueMarrow's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Hello, and thanks for the response.

      Yes, I am above 900 when not using the hospital VPN. I am 6 when using the VPN.

      I have never had a speed issue when not using the VPN.

      I am in the process of trying to obtain the contact information for the Cox network engineer who tested the home system of the director of IT for the hospitals. Those results, and  ringing him/her into this loop seem to be the best strategy. I don't know how to obtain a trace route, and that has probably already been obtained by the Cox engineer. 

      • Zurq's avatar
        Contributor II

        download program called Ping plotter, find your hospital's ip, put it in the top bar, and start the traceroute and let it run.