Forum Discussion

John2222's avatar
Contributor II
11 months ago

What does webmail "Not spam" do?

I have flagged several emails received (Windows 10 desktop) on webmail as "not spam".  What good does that do because I still find future emails from same sender in the spam folder? 

Are those options saved to spam filtering just for my email address settings or used for some "global setting" voting? 


  • CurtB's avatar
    Valued Contributor III

    Marking an email in the Spam folder as "Not spam" just moves that email to the Inbox.  Future email received from that sender will continue to go to the Spam folder.

    • John2222's avatar
      Contributor II

      Then what is the purpose of flagging a sender email as "Not Spam"?  If subsequent emails from that sender will continue to go to spam folder?

      • CurtB's avatar
        Valued Contributor III

        A former moderator reported 5 years ago:

        "The spam filter settings are not specific to individual users. The marking of spam or not spam effectively counts as a vote and if enough votes are received the spam filters will consider treating the specified items as requested...."

        That was for the previous Webmail platform, and I never saw any feedback that the process described actually worked.  I haven't heard if that same process is used for this Webmail platform, but it's unlikely that it would be any more effective now than it was then. 

        Now that you know it doesn't do much, you can stop doing it.