Forum Discussion

Jason_Clemons's avatar
3 hours ago

Intermittent Connectivity

I have had intermittent internet connectivity problems with your service for at least 3 consecutive days culminating in a total outage on 10/4.  Calling your service number is completely worthless as they simply have me reboot my router repeatedly.  I chatted online today for 2 hours and the soonest you can get a technician to my location is 5 days from now.  I'm sure this will come as no surprise, but I rely on Cox as my ONLY option for internet and work from home.  The service representative refused to escalate me to their supervisor after I repeatedly requested they do so.  My neighbors are also having issues and got a service call the same day.  I'm absolutely positive this is an issue with Cox's network and not mine, but am being held hostage with a $75 threat if whoever you finally get around to sending out graciously decides is indeed a Cox issue, which seems very unlikely.  I am flabbergasted at how poor Cox's service has gotten.  Please contact me in this regard as soon as possible, as I am currently entirely without service.

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