Ping spikes during multiplayer gamers
I recently moved out of on-campus housing and into an apartment. Currently, I am paying for the 1GB/s home wifi service with the most updated Panoramic modem/router. I am also taking advantage of the 5G wifi service as well. Despite that, I get ping spikes while paying for esport titles like Valorant or Overwatch. It goes from a steady 20-30ms to 150ms every 30 seconds to 1 minute of gameplay and makes playing competitive shooters unbearable. While I understand that ethernet works best for situations like these, I do not have an outlet of that sort in my room/apartment. Additionally, I have previously played competitive shooters on wifi and did not experience these types of ping spike/packet loss. What is the best way to fix this issue?54Views0likes1CommentWhy can't they get this right
I have filed multiple fcc filings only to get a response from branch manager that they are working on the issue but they don't know what the issue is. Cox Internet is down 4-5 times a month and the rest of the days it's intermittent issues. They have no solution and still want to be paid in full for their services. Please file reports so we can't stop this nonsense of a company taking money and not even trying to give good service38Views0likes1CommentUnstable Internet
My internet has been getting progressively worse over the past few months. I had thought it was from the wifi router (which some of it was) and fixed that issue. Imagine my surprise, when the rest of the household starts bugging me constantly about me making things worse... I have an internet speed test set up that runs on the hour and weirdly my internet seems to completely die at 5 AM every morning and slowly creep up to better speeds by about 20 Mbps an hour for four hours and then range anywhere from 600 to 900 for the rest of the day. The upload is usually very stable at 130 but some days it will drop to 20 during the 5 AM drop. After doing a deep dive into learning as much as I can about what might be causing the issues: Checked all the connections and made sure they are tight and secure Took off a splitter that was no longer needed near the supply line cable Checked the modem's logs and found lots and lots of notices (not good) Checked the Cable Connection page of the modem and found the power and signal were at acceptable numbers, but the correctables/uncorrectables were quite high. Took the cable modem outside and attached it directly to the supply line cable (the only thing extra was an attenuator pad). Still high uncorrectables and errors in the log with an unstable internet. Took off the attenuator pad and the power numbers were all over the place and out of spec (and terrible internet) Here are my numbers currently with the attenuator pad in place and the cable modem back inside the house (the logs sometimes contain a critical error too and I can't remember what it was as sometimes it is pushed out of the visible logs by all the notices):53Views0likes1CommentHaving to reboot modem every day
Starting about 2 weeks ago I have to reboot my SB8200 at least once a day. Internet just completely stops working. Massive packet loss to the point where I can't pull up a web page. Rebooting devices downstream of the modem (gateway, wifi, client devices) makes no difference. As soon as I reboot the modem everything starts working again. Support has been no help and just run me in circles saying, "The signal to the modem is fine." I'm hoping someone might have a suggestion as to what to do next. I've included a couple pictures of my connection status page. Thanks.475Views1like7CommentsLoss of internet… every day
I have called your useless customer support line with no results. A tech has been to the home and the line replaced. But you STILL do not listen, or appear to care when we tell you the whole neighborhood repeatedly goes down at least an hour per day. I am paying a lot of money for your highest speed plan, yet here i sit, staring at a dead internet when I’m supposed to be on duty. GET THIS STRAIGHT. INFORM THE OKC OFFICE TO EITHER FIX THE LOGICAL NODE TO OUR NEIGHBORHOOD OR WE ARE ALL GOING TO AT&T.119Views0likes6CommentsEvent Log full of errors and Interrupted service all day
I have tried reporting this via the phone help line and they never really fixed the problem. I have bought and ran all new hardware trying to eliminate any problems on my end but it seems there is till something going on. Wasn't till recently when someone (probably a homeless or deranged person) ripped the cover off our cable box on the corner of our property. Looking at it I noticed the cable line going to our house has a pretty good kink in the line (looks worse in person). could this be the cause of my issues? Can you send some one to cut this small section off and reattach?56Views0likes1CommentConstant packet loss after maintenance in my area
Getting intermittent packet loss for no discernable reason, getting single digit upload speeds (zero). My games are unplayable as I either just rubber-band around or constantly disconnect from games and working from home has been a nightmare for the past two weeks as people cannot understand the robotic voice I'm speaking in and I can hardly even connect on my company VPN. I bought a brand new modem as your representatives managed to gaslight me into thinking that was a possibility, NOPE. Even when hard wired with brand new cables that Ialso got gaslit into buying, my internet is still an experience I can only describe as dismal. I've had a tech come out who couldn't find out the issue, we have been having maintenance come out on an almost biweekly schedule with the other people in my area reporting issues, I have thrown a few hundred dollars into this problem on my end, and more through my company with my loss of productivity. And even on my time off I can't enjoy my time because it is wasted with Cox reps trying to sell the stupid box for the millionth time and wasting hours of my life doing modem resets that I have already done, and asking about my router after I've told them I've been hard-wired to the modem during this whole fiasco. Weeks of this, what exactly is my internet bill going towards? What am I spending thousands of dollars a year on when you guys can just destroy my connection to the internet on a whim and ruin an entire month for me and gaslight me about my modem which now I have multiple of from falling for it?137Views2likes8CommentsUnacceptable Packet Loss
This is a recommendation and PSA to all Cox customers. I started my service with Cox on 6/29/24 after moving to my current area. (Zip is 85351). Packet loss is always around 20% with jitter spikes every few seconds at all times of the day that average around 20m/s of jitter but commonly jumping to over 50m/s. for the uneducated, this is horrible and is indicative of outdated and poorly managed infrastructure. Cox claims to have no clue about the issue and I am having my third technician come out this week. I know this wont fix it, I'm just waiting fiord the FCC filing to be completed. The FCC has informed me 2 days ago that Cox is required to reach out to me on the executive level and have 30 days to resolve the issue. No response from Cox. Please reach to the FCC if you have issues. It is the only way for us to not be lied to and receive honest and quality service.79Views1like1CommentUpdated on the update on the packet loss and speed problems
Had 4 techs come in and finally found a problem within the line that connect to their system in my apartment complex. All other tech before this couldn’t find the problem and kept blaming on the line in the walls of my apartment. But now I need to wait an extra 4 more days to have a different tech come and fix that issue. Been battling this for months now. Hopefully this would be that last visit for a final fix.30Views0likes1Comment