Forum Discussion

Talfredson's avatar
New Contributor
10 months ago


There has been "maintenence" in my area for exactly 14 days now so we can't use our wifi. I work from home half the time and while I understand these things have to happen, I have NEVER had an outage for 2 weeks with absolutely no answers or anything to go off of. The store doesn't know what's going on and support says they have no information on this. I NEED more than that. I think we all deserve an answer. 

  • kcbrent's avatar
    New Contributor II

    So out of nowhere, at 2pm on today I get a text message (which is the first notification I have received in a long time) that there is an unexpected outage in my area. Service has been down for almost 3 hours now and when I called Cox support, I found out this is an upgrade that is occurring

    So now we are hiding our planned upgrades as “outages”? I am sick and tired of all of this

     Why is it so hard to send a notification out 1 week ahead of time that says “hey on 4/28 at 2pm we will be upgrading”, instead, out of nowhere the internet goes down and you we get a text about an outage, and like I said, only to find out it’s a planned upgrade.🤷‍♂️

    • LaToyaW's avatar


      I'm sorry you've experienced an unexpected outage. I would like to provide information and a credit for the down services. When you have a moment, please email your full name, complete address to

      • kcbrent's avatar
        New Contributor II

          I will tell you how emailing goes:

        Email them, explain the issues and the upgrades with no notification, they apologize through a copy-n-pasted pre-canned answer from the knowledge base, you ask why you do not receive notifications for planned upgrades, then a brand new person replies and copy-b-pastes from the knowledge base of pre-canned responses and apologize for inconvenience … and the entire life cycle mentioned above repeats over and over again.

         i get the same pre-canned response here :)

  • kcbrent's avatar
    New Contributor II

    no, seeing how you cannot find a support email address anymore and Cox is closed during the time of these outages, a lot of times the forum is the only place to voice your absolute frustration and get your point across to Cox. In fact, just like Talfredson here, I am about to do the exact same thing because I am also getting sick and tired of the constant downtime and no notification to customers whatsoever about planned downtime

    • DorisM's avatar

      Hi, there. I am sorry you are having issues with your service and with finding a support email address. You can email my team at so we can obtain account details and review further. Thank you.


  • The purpose of the Cox Internet Forum is to allow customers to discuss technical topics related to residential Cox Cable, Telephone and High-Speed Internet services with other customers. This appears as if you may need someone to look into your account personally. I can certainly understand how frustrated you are especially if you have been having issues for such a long time. We would definitely be able to assist you with this. Please reach out to us on Twitter at CoxHelp via DM, visit us on Facebook via private message, or email us at Provide us the name on the account with the complete service address with a link to this thread so we can get started. Thanks, Lisa, Cox Support Forums Moderator