Forum Discussion

jessiec33's avatar
New Contributor
2 years ago

Connectivity issues / speed during peak hours...

first off i would like to say i have never had any problems with service till a couple weeks ago. from 12am to 7am every day / night i have terrible connectivity and i am unable to work. sundays are terrible aswell even off peak time. 

second thing im paying for premium service and im getting this now? seems like im on a lower teir connection all of a sudden. im useing a c7800 netgear modem/router and everything checked out when i called customer service. i would like some insight please. im having the techs come out to check the lines but they were replaced 3 years ago and everything has been fine since until now. something seems shady to me to be honest.

    • DannyS's avatar

      Joshua, we are happy to assist you. We just cannot begin to assist with personal concerns here.  If you would like any assistance regarding the connection.  Please contact us directly anytime for assistance. 

  • JoshuaHorst's avatar
    New Contributor II

    Having pretty much the same issue but ours cuts out a lot all day. Cox keeps claiming I need a new modem/ router and it has to be from them. In the 15 years we have lived in this house it has been cutting out but here lately it seems to be getting worse. Their claim is if I get one of their new modems that I would fix the problem.

    • DannyS's avatar

      Hello Joshua, sorry to hear about these overall connection concerns.  The purpose of the Cox Internet Forum is to allow customers to discuss technical topics related to residential Cox Cable, Telephone and High Speed Internet services with other customers. This appears as if you may need for someone to look into your account personally.  We can definitely be able to assist you with this.  Please reach us on Twitter at CoxHelp, visit us on Facebook, or email by at Provide us with your name with the full service address with a link to this thread so we can get started. 

      • JoshuaHorst's avatar
        New Contributor II

        I talked wit technical support and I was pretty much told that I needed a new cox modem even though the current router modem I have is about a year old and is up to date. All the step by step instructions she asked me to do is the first thing I always do because this has been a long running issue. My other issue is she never answers my initial question. 

  • WiderMouthOpen's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor II

    It almost never is the modem(gateway). Can you post your signal levels from > Login > Connection > Cox Network > Scroll down and copy past the downstream and upstream levels.