Packet loss due to upstream channels dropping
I've been getting outages due to the upstream dropping out on my internet connection for more than 6 months now. Downloads, watching streams, podcasts, hearing and seeing people on voice/video calls and are fine if they've already started. Uploads drop, voice/video calls break up for listeners, website requests take forever, games get disconnected. Modem upstream during packet loss: Bottom row with red question marks is packet loss. Other rows are just hops which sometimes don't respond (`mtr`): I can't even get a screenshot without packet loss over the past few hours. I've rebooted my modem. I have a new cable and connectors from the box outside directly to my modem 2 times over. I've upgraded my modem 2 times and now have one of the best (MG8702) if not the best one supported by Cox. I've had several techs out to troubleshoot the issue. Some of them have replaced the same cable or connector as previous techs have done. One tech actually worked on something up the street, which improved the connection dropping a little. Another of the techs said there wasn't really anything they could do to fix it and that the lines are over-saturated because everyone is working from home now. If this is actually a problem, it sounds like a case to expand infrastructure rather than telling me it's all used up. I've confirmed with the techs that have visited that there's an issue with the upstream signals somewhere between the box at the utility pole and further up the chain. It doesn't seem like this issue will every be fixed. I've burned a lot of my time (days and days), burned money upgrading hardware that was fine, talking with customer support, and waiting for techs. I've been having to use my phone as a mobile hot-spot to ensure a consistent connection for voice and video calls. If this keeps up I think I'm just going to stop wasting money on useless internet and dump Cox and switch to a mobile hot-spot, since I end doing that anyway.Solved8KViews0likes31CommentsLine quality issues are back again...
Hello all, My line quality issues have started to get bad again. It has been great since January, but looking at my Routers CONMON monitor, I now see this: I rebooted all of my equipment (power cycled) and waited overnight to see if things improved.... it currently looks like this: So, as you can see, it's an ongoing problem currently. My connection is wired gigabit ethernet, so there are no WiFi issues to muddy the waters. All coaxial cable connections are tight. I would call Cox, but quite frankly I'm sick of dealing with the phone technical support. It takes WAY too long to get to a useful person, and they always want to blame my modem, or some other issue. It's not my modem. This is the same modem as I've had all this time, throughout the last few packet loss issues. Some back history on my upstream & packet loss issues: Cox Line Quality Issues - Regular Upstream packet loss - Internet - Internet Forum - Cox Support Forums [OK] Cox line quality issues are never-ending - Cox | DSLReports Forums Someone call the field techs! The squirrels in our neighborhood love to chew on the cables... I'm betting that's the issue here ... again!3.1KViews0likes7CommentsIs Docsis 3.1 more susceptible to upstream noise than Docsis 3.0?
I've been a Cox customer for 22+ years. I've rarely had any issues. A few years back, I had had voltage on my upstream and they replaced a cable from my house to the pole. But other than that, no issues at all. I had a 16x4 Docsis 3.0 Netgear modem. Was on the 300/30 plan. It was pretty fast, like I said, no issues. So last week I got the email blast about upgrading to Docsis 3.1, figured I would go ahead and pull the trigger. It worked blindingly fast for the first day or so, was getting around 850 down and 34 up consistently, no issues. Then it started dropping to nothing. Every day since then, still getting about 750-850 down, but only getting 0-10 up. It says I have between 40-60% packet loss. Constant disconnects. Cox is telling me there is "noise" on the upstream line. So what changed between me having Docsis 3.0 and switching to Docsis 3.1? I have a Motorola 8600 modem. Is Docsis 3.1 more susceptible to noise?1.2KViews0likes3CommentsCoaxial cable wiring resources & Question
Hi all. I'm currently staying in a home that has been in my family for a few generations. I've been encountering issues with my internet connection recently that is leading me to believe that the wiring with the coaxial cable may require inspection and adjustment. The upstream LED flashes during boot up, and the modem goes offline to reconnect after 30 minutes of connection. A look at the status page of the model display this as the upstream variables: Channel Lock Status US Channel Type Channel ID Symbol Rate Frequency Power 2 Locked ATDMA 4 5120 kSym/s 38.40 MHz 57.00 dBmV Downstream appears fine but I can provide those if helpful. The coaxial cable was installed through the crawl space of the home and as of right now I'm not clear on the layout of the wiring job. I'm willing to believe the wiring was done in an effort to quickly have it done and over with. I am not a Cox Complete Care customer and I'm not certain if the cost would be worth while to have someone come and re-work the line so I can maintain solid connect. Would anyone be able to say if paying for the service would help the issue or would it be better to do-it-myself. Also are their any solid resources available that may help me with the job of ensuring the line going to the modem is good?2.8KViews1like6CommentsUpstream / Upload issues leading to huge ping spikes
I've done everything I can on my end to mitigate the issues im having. All new coax in home. One brand new 2 way splitter for cable modem and TV box (-3.5db) All connections are firmly tightened and secured. Docsis 3.1 32x8 (2x2). Signal levels all in range T3 timeouts on event log. Cox has tested my lines in home and at the road. They say all it fine. Cox runs a ping plotter in my area...again, all is fine. My issue is terribly fluctuating upload speeds and this leads to drastic ping spikes which massively effects my gaming. Since cox has no idea what they are doing... is there anything I can do to mitigate this? I was doing some research and I saw this (image attached). Would something like this work? Or is there something that I can implement myself that will fix this issue? Last i heard from cox, they said my neighborhood has "Intermittent Noise Issues" Its been this way for years.. Way before Hurricane Laura Way before Covid 19. I need a miracle....somebody lol /resized-image/__size/320x240/__key/communityserver-discussions-components-files/5/Screenshot_5F00_20200830_2D00_215300_5F00_Chrome.jpg611Views0likes2CommentsUpload Speeds Drop At The Same Exact Time Every Night For Months
I have been dealing with an issue now for about 4 months that consists of my internet speeds dropping (mostly upstream) at the same time every night. At about 9:15 pm Central Time my upstream drops to below 1 Mbps from anywhere between 45 minutes to multiple hours. I do streaming on Twitch and spend a lot time gaming so this is my peak hour for these activities and they are greatly affected by this upstream issue. I have had around 7 techs out who have changed everything they can and have ruled out anything wrong at my tap or at my residence. I was eventually given the number to a shift supervisor that I could call when the issue was occurring where I was to leave a message with my name an number and they would look into it and get back the next day. I have stopped receiving callbacks and am at a loss as to what to do next. I have had confirmed packet loss during these periods that I see through the trace routes I run and from the supervisors I have talked to. I was also told by this supervisor and technicians that have been out that congestion should not be an issue as I am the only active subscriber on my tap so that has been all but ruled out. If anyone is willing to give me some direction or work with me I would greatly appreciate it as coming to this forums is my last ditch effort in trying to figure this issue out. Thank you so much for your time.1.6KViews1like1CommentRandom upstream power spikes / Internet drops
I'm getting random internet drops due to fluctuating upstream power levels. Most of the time my upstream levels are fine (4 channels between 38-48db). 3-4 times a day at random times they will jump into the upper 50s and the internet times out for a few minutes, then the power levels return to normal. This is very annoying because me and my family due alot of online gaming with party chat on xbox and it cuts me off from everyone and disconnects me from the game. I have tried many different combinations of amps and/or splitters on the main coax line coming into the house to get the signal levels right and its always the same issue with the upstream power so i dont think its a problem on my end. I have a CM1000 modem.2.1KViews0likes3CommentsGigablast. I'm getting consistently occurring latency spikes of 250ms on upload (only while under load)
Its been this way since I moved to my new address(5 months). I've been through 2 top of the line modems. Used 3 seperate PCs to run tests. I went as far as to run a coaxial cable from the ground at the house, to the modem, bypassing all house cables and my xr500 router. 3rd tech came out today. He fixed a bad spot on the downstream side at the pole. No luck on upstream. Problem is still there. My household is streaming only, which this causes a problem for. It also makes online gaming just inaccurate enough to not play anything with confidence. I'm frustrated beyond belief. Any ideas?Solved2.2KViews0likes5CommentsOnly 1 Up Channel Bonded & 51-55 Upstream / Bad Wiring or Buy Modem?
Modem: Netgear C3700-100NAS Connection: No spitters in the house. No TV. Modem combo is connected directly to the coax coming from the wall. Coax from wall is closest to the outside connection. Problem: I'm having some ongoing issues with my modem requiring frequent resets. I believe these problems to be related to my 51-55 dBmv and my only one locked bonded upstream channel. I believe this is a line problem, and not a modem problem Attempted Solution: Cox tech acknowledged my 51-55 dBmv . The tech suggested that i buy a new modem because mine was more than 3 years old. I will post excerpts of this chat log below. The tech offered to send a rented one to me. However, I discovered he modem came with a $20 self installation fee, so I refused this option. If the modem was the problem, i would rather use that $20 to buy a Netgear CM600 or an Arris sb6183 and mate it to an Archer C or A7. Question: Does the tech's suggestion to buy a modem sound right to you?7.7KViews0likes0CommentsIntermittent internet quality and upstream issues
Hello, I am trying this venue as a last resort to getting a substantial answer to my Cox Internet service challenges. Cox Internet Premiere (grandfathered) 150Mbps\10Mbps Intermittently, internet quality drops from well above 150 Mbps/ 10Mbps to something far less. The primary issue I have is the diminished upstream and huge packet loss that occurs each time. At worst, the upstream drops to 0.9 Mbps and I get packet loss in the 10-30% range. Of course this happens most often after business hours, though not at regular times/days through the week, and never when the techs have shown up. For almost two years I experienced exceptional internet service. Beginning February 14th, the intermittent issues began to occur. Over time I have narrowed the issue down to a degradation of service from/through the Cox. I replaced the modem 3 times, including one of the new Cox Panoramic modems from a Cox store. I simplified my home network to one PC (ethernet), one game console (ethernet), one laptop (wireless), and one cell phone (wireless). Wired devices are plugged straight into the modem/router. Arris SBG7580-AC with latest firmware. 3 tech visits, with the last one checking all the way out to the pole. There is currently an escalated support ticket that has been unassigned for over two weeks. I've been told by 4 different Tier 2 folks that they escalated the ticket and that I would hear back from someone within 24-72 hours. I am currently in the 4th iteration of that... no one has contacted me back yet. I have spent at least 40+ hours of my time trying to troubleshoot and work with Cox support to resolve this. Oh, and I have worked for 20+ years managing small business networks, so I'm not one of those 'techs that are not worth their salt' as one T2 tried to insinuate to me. What is going on? Is this situation being addressed? Is there anything I can do to help resolve this?Solved27KViews0likes7Comments