Forum Discussion

taljr's avatar
New Contributor
7 years ago

ALL DVR recordings GONE and no scheduled recordings for next 14 days

I came home today 5/31/2018 for lunch to watch ABC Nightline and lo and behold I have absolutely none of the shows I have recorded for the last 19 months.    

Yes, ALL OF MY RECORDINGS ARE GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!      First time ever!    When I went to scheduled recordings It stated on the screen "No recordings scheduled for the next 14 days"   WOW!!!!!!!!!!   

This is terrible and now my wife, grandkids and I all have to remember all the shows we programmed for the last 19 months?    This is outrageous and should have NEVER happened.   With 3 contour boxes surely one of these should have saved the shows.

When scheduling a tech to come out they said I may have to pay a $75 service fee!?   I about lost my cool for the failure of their equipment to charge me for it.   Well that is a standard disclaimer they have to say and if I'm charged I will lose it.     

Right now I cannot record a thing.   Thank goodness the NBA finals are on and there aren't too many new shows on.   I try to record all 3 national news programs so this is not good.   I wish there were a competitor in Tulsa, OK other than and at&t.    Hopefully someone will come up with a good it not great alternative.

Time is important to me but this may end my TV viewing so much.

I'm just frustrated since I pay $200 per month and lose almost 2 years of recorded shows.

3 Replies

  • Jool54's avatar
    New Contributor

    Same thing here.  I thought my husband did something.  I just switched to contour 2 yesterday and spent hours setting up my recordings.  Now everything is gone.

    • taljr's avatar
      New Contributor

      Mine came back on and it is a regional and widespread issue.   I hope yours comes back on soon as well jool54

      • Jool54's avatar
        New Contributor

        It did! My husband breathed a sigh of relief! Thank you!