Forum Discussion

JC's avatar
New Contributor II
5 years ago

Series Recording Not Available

I called Cox this morning because the option to Record a Series is not available to me on my Contour 1 DVR for Big Brother, Days of Our Lives, or General Hospital among other shows. My parents in a different household have the same issue. On the guide, these shows do not have episode numbers in the episode description. There is just a period where the episode number should be. The person I spoke to on the phone said I had to schedule a technician to come out to check my signals, but I know this isn't an issue at just my house so I'm trying to get Cox to please fix this on their end. I opened a ticket about this last Friday, but there was no status on that ticket in the system. I'd like to avoid a technician coming to my house unnecessarily. 

  • You can cancel the service call, this is already being looked into nationally and is not something a technician is needed at the home for. You can email us at to cancel the work order or you can also manage appointments online at

    Cox Support Forum Moderator
  • You can cancel the service call, this is already being looked into nationally and is not something a technician is needed at the home for. You can email us at to cancel the work order or you can also manage appointments online at

    Cox Support Forum Moderator
    • JC's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Thank you, Brian. Is there an estimated time for the issue to be fixed? It's been almost a week that it's been going on. It happened two weeks ago and got fixed for a few days and then stopped working again.

      • DustinP's avatar
        There isn't an estimation at this time, though we recommend trying this and share your findings. Please verify you do not have the series recordings set already in the settings. If it is, then please delete the series recording, or program the single episode that was cancelled. Menu - DVR List - Series Manager. Please share your findings.

        Cox Forum Support Moderator
    • Sean55's avatar
      New Contributor

      I can’t record either. I just upgraded and ever since I can’t use the DVR feature. Multiple phone calls and I am told there is an issue being worked on by COX. But it’s been a few days now. Seems ridiculous. I hope this will be reflected in our bills. 

      When willbe fixed?  And what was the cause?  I am surprised this would be going on for such an extended period of time. 
  • bearone2's avatar
    Contributor III

    you'll only be able to record if they are in the guide as repeats.

    can't record as new release!

  • AuntSandy's avatar
    New Contributor

    I have the same issue. Customer chat was not helpful. They sent a reset signal (which I had already done several times), then disconnected chat before reset was completed. I hope Cox gets this fixed quickly!

    • bearone2's avatar
      Contributor III

      the reset signal sent by cox includes updates, the reboot you do over the phone just reboots.

  • CFMonroe's avatar
    New Contributor II

    I have the same issue and thought there was a problem with my Contour 1 DVR.  I almost missed America's Got Talent last night!  Random programs seem to be effected and when they do any previous "record series" setting fails and instead I get a "missed recording...not found in the guide" error even though the series has been recording properly for months or even years. So glad to learn my DVR is fine and that it is being looked in to nationally.  Very annoying, but hopefully it can be resolved soon.

    • CFMonroe's avatar
      New Contributor II

      As of this morning some time (Aug 13 2020), the problem seems to have been resolved.  "Record series" options have returned and previously programmed series in the "Series Manager" are now recording properly or showing up in the "Schedule Recordings" list.  Fingers crossed.

      • nana41's avatar
        New Contributor

        It’s now Aug 31 and just tonight I’ve had the same problem, except I can’t record anything, even a single show. Where do I find “Series Manager”? I don’t have “Menu.” I have Contour. 

  • jmc2020's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Same issue and Cox came out and replaced the dvr knowing full well that it was an issue of their error.  Now we have lost all the movies we had recorded as well.