Forum Discussion

billbright's avatar
New Contributor II
9 months ago

Yahoo Transition - where's our lower cost?

Let's be clear, Cox terminating their email service and shoving us all over to Yahoo email is NOT Cox providing us better service.

Cox is not providing anything in terms of email service. Instead, Cox is providing their internet customers significantly less service by terminating Cox email. 

Yahoo email has always been free. Now we are subjected to Yahoo's push to pay for their Yahoo Plus service. 

Cox has NOT reduced our monthly costs for internet access even though they have terminated this service and no doubt have significantly reduced their own operating costs.

Now that we are receiving less, why is Cox still charging us full price for Internet access? 

IMO, we are being ripped off. 

  • kco156's avatar
    New Contributor II

    It is time to leave Cox.  Outrageous pricing, now moving email to Yahoo.  If I wanted Yahoo I would have signed up for Yahoo.  Do your customers really matter to you?  With all the choices now for steaming services, etc...I would think Cox would pay more attention to their customers.  Used to be Cox was the only game in town, not anymore.  See ya Cox, you can keep your Yahoo. 

    • GregP1's avatar

      Hi, I apologize for the experience you have had I will be glad to review your bill with you.  In 2019 we stopped allowing new email addresses to current and new customers from being created. A large part of the decision is because fewer customers were taking advantage of this service as many more free services like Gmail, Yahoo Mail, and many others had become available. We have continued to maintain our email service for the email addresses until the recent decision to migrate this service to Yahoo servers so they can manage these accounts. and continue to support our legacy email offerings. Please reach out to us privately so we can discuss this. Our email address is  Please include your full street address and a link to the forum thread. 

  • Garyackley's avatar
    New Contributor

    I agree. Cox is providing fewer services and charging us more. I changed some things in my Cox package the last time I reviewed it and lost a ton if storage for my email account. I changed my account, paid more, and recovered more email storage.  It was never free! 

    • Darkatt's avatar
      Honored Contributor

      Of course it was. BUT, just like Cable tv, if you pay for a certain channel, you get other channels bundled in at no additional cost. 

      When you had a certain level of internet, they provided more email storage as a benefit of that higher speed. It was never figured in as part of the cost. Trust me, I KNOW exactly what you are talking about and on more than one occasion, when I was still working for Cox, I received a call from someone who's email was over 100% usage, due to lowering their costs by reducing their internet speed. 

      • billbright's avatar
        New Contributor II

        BUT, just like Cable tv, if you pay for a certain channel, you get other channels bundled in at no additional cost. 

        I am sorry, but clearly you have no idea how any of this works. You might want to take a business 101 course. 

        If I want to watch BBC America, for example, I cannot just add BBC America. I have no choice but to add (and pay extra for) the "Variety" package that includes BBC America plus a 25 more channels, most of which I don't want and never watch.

        If I want to watch CNN and the Discovery channel, I cannot just add those channels to the basic "Starter" package. I have to add Contour Preferred and get stuck with 81 - I say again, 81 channels I don't want. 

        You are simply and totally wrong to say those extra channels are added at no additional cost. They may not be separate line items on our bills but we are paying for them. Cox has to pay for them, they are not giving them away out of the kindness of their hearts. 

        When you had a certain level of internet, they provided more email storage as a benefit of that higher speed. It was never figured in as part of the cost.

        Of course it was figured in as part of the cost. You cannot be this ignorant. Do you work for Cox? "Benefit"? Seriously? Ever studied marketing? You might want to take a marketing 101 course too. 

        Do you think McDonald's does not factor in the price of straws, or napkins, or those little packets of ketchup in their price of their sodas, burgers and fries? 

        Cox is NOT a charitable organization. If you are not a shill working for Cox, then you have been totally bamboozled by their marketing team. That is NOT meant to insult or criticize. It is just an obvious observation. :(


  • Darkatt's avatar
    Honored Contributor
    1. Cox has never charged you for providing Email. It's always been a free service provided for their internet customers. They do NOT have to reduce your bill, because they have shifted the responsibility for the email service to another company. If you truly believe so, then you truly have no comprehension of how business works.
    2. Additionally, the fact that you yourself state that Yahoo email has always been free, and failing to also note that COX's email also was free, shows a complete lack of understanding on your part. 
    3. Be glad that Cox at least ensured you could keep your COX.NET email address, VERIZON customer's when Verizon killed off THEIR email, lost it all, because they cut it out in totality, they provided you NO method of keeping it., 

    You need to quit whining, and THANK them for looking out for you. 

    • billbright's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Cox has never charged you for providing Email. 

      Nonsense. Cox email has been a part of our ISP package since Cox first started to provide internet access. To say a company is providing something to their customers "for free" clearly demonstrates it is YOU with a complete lack of understanding how business works. 

      You need to stop being a shill for a company that clearly does NOT have the best interest of their customers in mind, and to accept that others are entitled to express their opinions on a topic without  you adding puerile insults just because you don't agree with them. 


      • Nevets's avatar
        New Contributor II

        Used to be you paid your monthly fee to Cox and they provided you internet access, newsgroup access, and email service.  Then they got rid of newsgroup access, when newsgroups were very much alive.  Then they stopped providing customers email service, though folks already with email service were allowed to keep it but even they couldn't create new email addresses.  Now they are getting rid of email service.  All while they continue to raise rates.  Google fiber is coming though.

    • mdd's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Cox Provided a SUITE of services it included EMAIL AND the McAFEE Security Suite when I signed up for Services - these were BENEFITs included as part of the COX Subscription.  Removal comes with a true cost to COX Customers in terms of time and $$.  Can you explain how this treatment is different from an employer who decides to stop providing Employee Health care, sick leave? 

    • torino74's avatar
      New Contributor

      How much is Cox paying you to make such a ridiculous statement?

      • Darkatt's avatar
        Honored Contributor

        Sorry, I haven't worked for Cox for over 2 years now. I am sorry the truth disturbs you. 

  • Darkatt's avatar
    Honored Contributor

    Cox wasn't running the mail servers you were using anyways, they were hosted by RACKMOUNT, and cox was simply paying someone else to host and run the servers. Since fewer and fewer people were actually using cox mail services due to lack of portability, it was no longer cost effective to pay to have the mail services provided. 

    Be glad they didn't do us, the same way Verizon did THEIR customers. Verizon simply provided a cut off date for people to have a different email service, and NOTHING was ported to another service. At least Cox looked out for us in that manner.