Forum Discussion
- Cox has never charged you for providing Email. It's always been a free service provided for their internet customers. They do NOT have to reduce your bill, because they have shifted the responsibility for the email service to another company. If you truly believe so, then you truly have no comprehension of how business works.
- Additionally, the fact that you yourself state that Yahoo email has always been free, and failing to also note that COX's email also was free, shows a complete lack of understanding on your part.
- Be glad that Cox at least ensured you could keep your COX.NET email address, VERIZON customer's when Verizon killed off THEIR email, lost it all, because they cut it out in totality, they provided you NO method of keeping it.,
You need to quit whining, and THANK them for looking out for you.
- billbright9 months agoNew Contributor II
Cox has never charged you for providing Email.
Nonsense. Cox email has been a part of our ISP package since Cox first started to provide internet access. To say a company is providing something to their customers "for free" clearly demonstrates it is YOU with a complete lack of understanding how business works.
You need to stop being a shill for a company that clearly does NOT have the best interest of their customers in mind, and to accept that others are entitled to express their opinions on a topic without you adding puerile insults just because you don't agree with them.
- Nevets9 months agoNew Contributor II
Used to be you paid your monthly fee to Cox and they provided you internet access, newsgroup access, and email service. Then they got rid of newsgroup access, when newsgroups were very much alive. Then they stopped providing customers email service, though folks already with email service were allowed to keep it but even they couldn't create new email addresses. Now they are getting rid of email service. All while they continue to raise rates. Google fiber is coming though.
- mdd8 months agoNew Contributor II
Cox Provided a SUITE of services it included EMAIL AND the McAFEE Security Suite when I signed up for Services - these were BENEFITs included as part of the COX Subscription. Removal comes with a true cost to COX Customers in terms of time and $$. Can you explain how this treatment is different from an employer who decides to stop providing Employee Health care, sick leave?
- torino748 months agoNew Contributor
How much is Cox paying you to make such a ridiculous statement?
- Darkatt8 months agoHonored Contributor
Sorry, I haven't worked for Cox for over 2 years now. I am sorry the truth disturbs you.
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