Forum Discussion

Pagan's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

Terrible Service

I have now wasted an hour of my life on phone support with someone asking me if my cable is plugged in when I told them the router is losing Sync and an upstream channel is going down more than 5 times a day and an entire day waiting for a service tech to show up.

Then they send a tech out, who spends <30 minutes watching a line and leaves doing nothing since the problem didn't happen during that short time.

And yet my internet continues to disconnect, the same problem I had last year during hot weather, and I have actively cooled my router while plugged directly into the cable line to the house. It isn't me or my modem Cox.

1 Reply

  • yogse's avatar
    New Contributor

    That's what happened to me the last time I had a tech come in. He recommended that I get a new modem, which I already know wasn't it. An hour after he left I got a notification saying that there's an outage in my area and had to deal with more packet loss for about a week before things went back to normal. That was almost 3 weeks ago though and now I'm experiencing the exact same symptoms.