Forum Discussion
- BruceHonored Contributor III
I just checked your profile, and you're subscribed to the Internet forum.
Click your profile pix in the upper-right > Profile > Groups > click the Internet Forum > click Leave.
- CurtBHonored Contributor
You don't have to "Leave" forum groups to stop notifications. That would prevent you from being able to copy and paste images into a forum reply. To stop forum notifications, all you have to do is "Unsubscribe" from notifications.
How to Manage Forum Notifications
- BruceHonored Contributor III
I have unsubscribed 3 times and this doesn't stop them.
- CurtBHonored Contributor
If OP follows instructions I posted, notifications will stop. Joining a group starts notifications, but notifications can be stopped without leaving the group. Membership in a group is required to allow images to be copied and pasted.
- BruceHonored Contributor III
OP needs to weigh the pros and cons of uploading pictures vs. getting spammed.
- CurtBHonored Contributor
How would I know the process works? I join, upload and then leave the group.
Yeah, how would you know if "Unsubscribe" works or doesn't work if you've never tried it?
You discovered long ago that joining a forum group caused forum notifications and you didn't know another way to stop them. So, you advised everyone the only way to prevent spam is to not join forum groups. Then we learned that joining forum groups is what allows images to be copied and pasted. After researching available forum functions, I posted how to copy and paste images and how the "Unsubscribe" function in Settings can prevent the unwanted notifications caused by automatic subscription that occurs when a forum group is joined. You can join a forum group and not have to receive unwanted notifications. That conflicted with what you had been posting. But, what you'd been saying wasn't a lie then. It was just the only way known at that time to prevent unwanted notifications. You could have just said "Good to know" or something like that and nobody would have given it a second thought. But, since someone else figured out that "Unsubscribe" will prevent unwanted notifications, you thought it would make you look bad. You had been advising people not to join groups and you had to keep that going. You know "Unsubscribe" works. You just can't bring yourself to admit it.
You do your thing, I'll do mine. I think a simple, one-time settings change is much easier than having to "Join" a group every time I want to post an image and then "Leave" the group after. I only receive notifications for threads in which I've participated, without doing all that.
- BruceHonored Contributor III
"Look bad"? To whom? With what? This not "well thought out" website? I don't want to look bad with this not "well thought out" website?
You've created lots of processes for this poorly designed website. It doesn't bother me you're creating processes. In fact, I helped you create processes. What would bother me is looking for these processes on posts from 2-3 years ago. I could have bookmarked this one but a user had replied your process didn't work.
We haven't recently got any posts about spam notifications, but I do remember joining a group is one click. Upload image. Leaving a group is three clicks.
You're upset because leaving groups and Imgur are alternatives to your process.
- CurtBHonored Contributor
You're trying to distract again as you always do when someone calls you on a bad post you've made. If you don't want to post images and prevent unwanted notifications using functions in this website created for that purpose, that's your business. Documenting those functions was a chore, but completing the one-time process is easy by just following a few instructions. You didn't actually help. When I was creating How to paste clipboard images and upload files, you tried to edit my work, but it was more of a hindrance than help.
I replied in this thread because you told a new user they should leave a group in order to stop notifications. It probably wouldn't matter for this OP because she'll probably never want to post images. But someone else, who could benefit from being able to post images, could read your posts and think they have to do what you do. I'm here to alert those people that there's a better way.
You need to read all the posts in this thread. The OP posted again three times last night. I was correct about the OP's first post being incorrect. She hadn't done either of the things I've posted to unsubscribe from notifications. She was unchecking boxes in Settings and clicking the "Save" button. When they didn't save because of the known issue that's existed for more than 4 years with being unable to save settings, she did the same thing again and again. In her third post last night, she said she just found the "Subscriptions" tab in "Settings". She was finally able to "Unsubscribe" from notifications.
- BruceHonored Contributor III
First, I do not and will not take credit for the work of other people. You did all the research, testing and documentation. Furthermore, I wanted Cox to publish your process as a "Sticky Note" because users would not have been able to find your process buried in the bowels of the Forum within a few weeks. All of my kudos for your work are well displayed in the posts.
Second, I have a background using, creating and approving checklists, job guides, operating instructions, etc and recommended your process be in the form of a checklist. I recommended a checklist because users only want an end result without having to fumble through longwinded paragraphs; however, checklists can be tricky to write because not only should checklists be accurate and brief, but also comprehensive to achieve the end result.
I have a history in the Forum of suggesting formats for helpful resources, and nobody has gotten paranoid about me stealing their credit. All of us want to refer other users to helpful resources.
Your initial process on the post had longwinded paragraphs containing 2-3 thoughts; you used various terms to describe the same thing, you meandered off topic and your format was distracting with unnecessary overly-stylized font. A technical process is no place to promote your mastery of the editing tools in the Forum. Curt needs help so other users can use his helpful resource.
" Any changes you suggested, that I made, were insignificant"
On these threads from three years ago, you posted, deleted and reedited about 10 variations of this process with each successive variation getting more and more streamlined; however, after all these years, have you ever noticed your processes for the Forum and Webmail actually do resemble my recommended format of a checklist? Try to remember the format of your first draft vs. your formatting nowadays. The difference is quite astounding.
"Yet you still tell forum users they'll get notification "spam" if they join groups."
Yes, because your process was questionable. One user asked for your help but you wouldn't resolve the issue. You just left 'em hanging:
lovecactus over 2 years ago in reply to CurtB
"Mine still are coming in and I went and unsubscribe a few days ago I'm getting real pissed"This OP wrote, "I have unsubscribed 3 times and this doesn't stop them."
I'm not opposed to join or remain in a group. However, if a frustrated user has "unsubscribed" "a few days ago" or "3 times" and just wants the spam to stop, leave the group. Am I to troubleshoot how the OP had actually "unsubscribed" by assuming they want to upload pictures? If a user wants to stop the spam but upload pictures, this would be a completely different issue. Nobody is asking to upload pictures. Why are we even considering pictures? Why not wait until an OP actually complains, "I followed Bruce's instructions but now I lost the benefit to upload pictures! Can someone else help me?"
Yes, users do upload "pictures" of cables in their attic, their outside NID and serial numbers stenciled onto components. Perhaps you should create a process about "How Not to Use Diminishing Terminology" so I can get all your credit.
- BruceHonored Contributor III
Interesting "Little Lie" from before your time. I think you are trying to take credit for our research. How dare you!
- DarkattHonored Contributor
Just tested the save button in Opera, it appears to work, at least in Opera.
- CurtBHonored Contributor
It's common for forum users, especially new ones, to use incorrect terminology. This OP said she had unsubscribed 3 times. What she had actually done was try to save the settings that don't work. Telling her to leave the Internet group would have been a quick fix, not the real solution. Someone else with the same issue could read this thread and think that's the only answer. If you're going to tell users to leave the group, you should also tell them the website has a couple of ways to prevent unwanted notifications that don't require them to do that. You can just refer them to this:
- BruceHonored Contributor III
It's common for forum users, especially new ones, to use incorrect terminology.
This OP isn't new...has been a member for five years...has accumulated 42 points...and rebuilds computers. Is the OP only "incorrect" because you want to show her your checklist?
not the real solution.
Who defines the "real solution" to stop the spam, you? OP wants to stop the spam.
Someone else with the same issue could read this thread and think that's the only answer.
If the someone else had also "unsubscribed 3 times," it would be the only answer.
I'm not going to interview an OP on how they unsubscribed just to retain their whether used or unused option to upload pictures. I'm also not going to assume everyone is an idiot except you. If an OP unsubscribed three times and is still getting spammed, leave the group. If you want to mosey in later to show everybody your checklists, please do so.
- BruceHonored Contributor III
"Plagiarizing"? First, I don't think a user has ever written this word in the history of the Forum...let alone by me. Second, you assume your checklists would be worth plagiarizing.
In your "post" to which I'm referring...
You could have just said "Good to know" or something like that and nobody would have given it a second thought. But, since someone else figured out that "Unsubscribe" will prevent unwanted notifications, you thought it would make you look bad.
In the 4-year old post, the OP wanted to unsubscribe from something. As best as I remember, I didn't know there were subscriptions and also didn't know why the "Requires Membership/Click to Join" banner was obstructing my view. It must be a cookie flaw. I'm already a member, I'm already logged in, I'm participating, why are you there?
Assuming another level of membership, I clicked it, confusingly became a member of the group and then got lots of red bubbles while the others were simultaneously contributing to the post. Well, these are annoying and must be the reason the OP wants to unsubscribe.
I poked around, found Subscriptions, unsubscribed and the bubbles stopped. After my 20-second experiment, I recommended it to the OP. I didn't know what this function did because its Save didn't work but whatever this function was doing, it had stopped the spamming bubbles even with its javascript:void error. I also didn't do a before and after comparison for the word "Unsubscribe" because if it was there for me, it may have been there for the OP.
This is all the post was about: unsubscribing. Nobody in the thread was whining about pictures, expected to create a checklist, hunting for recognition or needing to provide anything of "value" to you. The mod escalated the error, it was a one-and-done and we moved on to other posts.
A year later, Ekhawaii wanted to copy and paste pictures. Again, as best as I remember, not only was the Save button still broken, but the overall layout was still confusing and if Ekhawaii's post was a chance to finally fix something, great.
The only things you're supposed to do in the Forum is provide experience, be productive and be courteous to others. You can follow me around the Forum, vote me down, report me as spam/abuse...but stop complaining about "bad posts." There are no "bad posts." These are called "contributions" for a reason: The Forum contributes together to help others.
From my time on here, members have come, members have gone and some of these long-departed members have also poked around, figured out things and shared with the Forum. What these ambitious members did not do, however, was to assume they were an authority and boast about what they've accomplished. If you hone your search skills, you may be able to find what these long-departed members have already discovered. A month ago, Mouth revealed to us how to private message another user. Will you "figure out" this too next year?
The name of this post is "How do I stop cox support notifications." and if the OP claims to have unsubscribed, the OP had unsubscribed. Why assume the OP "has no clue"? Even if nobody in this post is remotely concerned about uploads, you can still chime in about your pictures.
You could have just contributed, "...or you could click Profile icon > Settings > Subscriptions > Unsubscribe > (no need to click Save) to keep your permissions to upload pictures" instead of being a pest by dismissing other contributions (leaving group, Imgur) and haranguing the OP with "was I correct" about you being wrong? Just relax. Nobody is going to steal your cookie.
- CurtBHonored Contributor
A year later, you searched "unsubscribe" in the Forum, found my reply, told everyone you had researched, tested and labored for days
You posted a link and claimed you had made some discovery that you just forgot about. Then you said I searched the forum and found that reply in order to use is as the source for documentation I created. Had I found anything in the forums that explained how to stop unwanted notifications, I would have used it and given proper credit. But I never saw the thread you referenced and what you posted in that thread provided no benefit anyway. What you posted about me was a lie and you knew it.
- BruceHonored Contributor III
I didn't write it was a "great discovery." I wrote "we found the unsubscribe procedure 4 years ago."
My point is you keep insisting I only knew of one method to stop spam: leave a group.
You also insist "since someone else figured out that 'Unsubscribe' will prevent" spam, I won't accept it because it conflicts with my one-and-only method and would make me "look bad."
You're now insisting you're the authority to judge when other members make a "bad call" (leave group, use Imgur, unsubscribed 3 times) because it conflicts with your checklist.
This OP wrote the unsubscribe method didn't work, so I wrote to leave the group. You, however, insist she had "no clue" and I made a "bad call" because we conflict with your checklist.
Whether the OP actually did or did not unsubscribe is irrelevant. I won't question her abilities to unsubscribe from a group four minutes after she posted. You, however, insist she needs to preserve her unused picture feature and then harangue her about not actually unsubscribing. Why? To prove I made a "bad call." Why? Revenge for my Chippendales quip.
The truth is I actually do know more methods to stop spam: turn off, leave, unsubscribe. The link to Herm's post was to prove to you others have already been there and done that. You weren't the first to solve any great "mystery." Nobody needs or seeks your credit. Stop judging other members because they conflict with your checklist.
The truth is this stuff is already within the history of the Forum. Others before you have already researched and figured it. Do I need credit? No. It's what most of us do in here. If you were any good at searching, you would have found it. However...
I think you actually did find it because you've noted plenty of times the Save button has been broken for "four" years. Herm's post was four years ago and there were lots of members reporting how the Save button was suddenly broken with different browsers. It was the first time a mod read it, duplicated it and reported it. Coincidence? Doubtful.
You are obsessed with your checklists. You keep pushing your checklists our faces. You do realize you've posted links to your checklists SEVEN times in this ONE post? Okay. We get it. You want us to see what you made. We share it. You need it. You take it.
- BruceHonored Contributor III
Where'd widermouthopen's .gif go? It was kinda funny.
- WiderMouthOpenEsteemed Contributor II
I removed it at request of CurtB. In retrospect, I guess it came off as trollish. I am just tired of seeing my two friends fight...I mean "debate".
- BruceHonored Contributor III
Although slightly amusing perhaps it was a li'l perpetuating.
- CurtBHonored Contributor
Bruce, I scanned your book and saw:
OP unsubscribed 3 times. OP was frustrated. OP just wants them to stop.
I'll describe the "Settings" page for you since you have no reason to go there.
"OP and the Big Bad Notifications" (based on a true story)
The Settings page has 4 tabs. The first one is always selected by default and it's called "Options". It's name is really easy to see and it has lots of little check boxes. The other 3 tabs are not so easy to see because no one has selected them. So sad. OP saw all the little check boxes and she checked them all, one after the other. Then she saw a big "Save" button at the bottom of the page. "Oh my! I'm going to click that Save button and all my troubles will be over."
...repeat the above two more times.
"Oh phooey! Nothing was saved. I unsubscribed 3 times! I just want those bad old notifications to stop, but they won't!"
Later, a kindly gentleman on a user forum told OP about another tab on that page called "Subscriptions". He told OP that if she looked really hard, she would see it because, you know, it was kind of pale and sad because it hadn't been picked. Then he told her that she would see a word called "Unsubscribe". If she clicked that word, then all of her troubles truly would be over. Those nasty old notifications would never bother her again. So OP looked and she looked and then she said "Oh wait! I see that tab called 'Subscriptions' you told me about. I did as you suggested. Thank you, kind sir. Now all my troubles are over."
So even though OP got frustrated when she only thought she had unsubscribed to get rid of the notifications, she didn't give up and she was successful after all.
* What the kindly gentleman told OP Apologies to Ms. Sue Johnson
- BruceHonored Contributor III
First, I hope the OP had turned off reply notifications on this post because, well, with almost 70 replies, "PO'd OP" comes to mind.
When an OP claims to have done something, I...and most users...will not assume they have "no clue" on what they've done. When it involves spam notifications, however, you will automatically assume they're just dumb and would have "no clue" because, perhaps, you have an inferiority complex. I don't know but it's disturbing.
You're basing your entire argument on me not thinking your way. Whether the OP was or was not actually on the Subscriptions page is irrelevant. If the OP claims to have unsubscribed three times, the OP had unsubscribed three times and I will advise the OP to leave the group to stop the spam. Nobody would hyperventilate over pasting pictures except you.
If Mouth, Dark or even I claim to have unsubscribed, will you assume we have "no clue" on what we're doing and perhaps bad eyesight? This OP isn't new. OP has been a member for five years, has 40+ points and rebuilds I'll would most users...the OP has some intellect and good eyesight.
I'll describe why your "true story" has holes in it because it conflicts with human nature. "Human nature" involves users not feeling other users are just dumb.
The Options tab involves options. Why would you assume a user would "checked them all, one after the other" to stop spam from Time Zone, Date Format, Signature and the Visibility? Only four of these options involve email, so why would you assume a user would "checked them all, one after the other" when only four would possibly stop spam? Moreover, even if a user had "checked them all, one after the other" and it didn't stop the spam, why would you assume the user would do it again? It's because you think users are dumb.
"Not so easy to see" means you can see it. If a user wants to "unsubscribe" from something, I will assume the user was on the Subscriptions tab because, you know, a user would unsubscribe from subscriptions. Moreover, the OP stated to be on the "not so easy to see" notifications tab: "I have unchecked all notifications." Why would you assume a user wouldn't click these tabs on the second and third attempts? It's because you think users are dumb.
Sixteen hours after my advice, the OP did claim to not be on the Subscriptions tab; however, this would be sixteen hours after I had not assumed the OP was dumb, couldn't read and doesn't have a clue.
My advice to the OP is apt, appropriate and suitable. You don't like it because it doesn't involve your checklist, so you're hyperventilating over pictures as justification. Much to your chagrin, if users leave a group, users can still post pictures.
- CurtBHonored Contributor
I 'only scan your too long to read posts now. They're always the same anyway. I dumbed it down to a children's story so that even you could understand. You keep saying the OP unsubscribed 3 times. No, she TRIED to unsubscribe 3 times. She only actually did once.
Why would you assume a user would "checked them all, one after the other" to stop spam
I'm not assuming anything. She said that in her first post.
I have unchecked all notifications on this website. Nothing works I still get them.
Op said "unchecked" rather than "checked", but the end result is the same. It shows that she was at the wrong tab until she noticed the grayed out "Subscriptions" tab.
You remind me of someone else we all know.
- BruceHonored Contributor III
Did the OP actually write "tried" or are you hallucinating it? OP unsubscribed 3 didn't work...something is broken...don't waste your time...just leave the group.
According to your story, did the OP actually "check" all options under the Option tab (Time Zone, Date Format, Signature, etc) to stop spam? Were you hallucinating or too flustered to write a story?
"Checked" is your word from your story, and it didn't make any sense. The truth is the OP actually "unchecked" all notifications, and where would one find notifications? Perhaps under the "pale" Notification" tab.
This is what happens when you don't accurately read posts. This is what happened: You saw my reply to leave the group, pounced on it to retaliate and now you're over your head.
I don't blame you for no longer reading my replies because you're getting beat up pretty gooderly.
I didn't quote your story so you can safely reedit it for the nineteenth time.
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