Forum Discussion

Symmy's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

Cox suddenly marking many valid emails as SPAM

Did COX make a change to it's SPAM filters?  The last 24 hours a ton of valid emails that never got labeled as SPAM before are now being auto-sent to my SPAM folder.  Everyone of them with a warning "External images have been blocked to protect you against potential SPAM".  Might want to lighten up on the controls if suddenly you are blocking labeling most of my emails as SPAM.  

BTW, your "live chat" function doesn't work on any link or page that says you can use live chat.

  • @Symmy, it sounds like some of your emails have been falsely identified as spam. I recommend submitting some of them to as an attachment so our email team can help resolve this issue for you. -Allan, Cox Support Forums Moderator.
  • bearone2's avatar
    Contributor III

    are you using outlook?

    amazing, folks complain that spam is getting into the inbox,

    now you complain that your spam folder is doing what it's supposed to.

    i had 12 in my webmail 2min ago, sounds like the filter is working for both of us.

    • Symmy's avatar
      New Contributor

      The spam folder isn't supposed to suddenly categorize 95% of my email as spam.  If you don't know what you are talking about, you probably shouldn't talk fool.  

      • bearone2's avatar
        Contributor III

        that's why i check webmail + my wifi when i come to the forum.

        today 6 in spam, yesterday 12, sometimes 2-3.....some are emails that shouldn't be in spam, so i move them to the in folder.

        no, you're the fool!!

        i'm telling you how it is but you're the horse drug to water trough, can't make him drink!!