Forum Discussion

Rich170's avatar
New Contributor II
7 months ago

Cox email transition - has anyone completed the transition to Yahoo

Has anyone completed the email transition to Yahoo? It would be appreciated if any Cox customer would answer this question. 

I have been trying to get some information about when; and all I receive from Cox is we don’t know. In my opinion this response is unbelievable  - a significant customer service change and the company’s help response team can’t provide an answer is unbelievable - implies a lack of transparency or worst.  

So that’s why I am calling out to any Cox customer and provide some feedback about the “actual” transition. I and many of us have received the preliminary emails about the future.

Has anyone's completed the transition?

  • n0v8or's avatar
    New Contributor

    Does anyone have detailed transition instructions that actually work?   I received a notice to make the transition and followed the instructions on the linked web page.

    First, I entered my Cox email address and email password . . .  so far, so good, it recognized me correctly as a Cox customer.  Next, I was required to enter a Yahoo email password.  I tried several, which were all rejected because they resembled the Cox password.  Evidently, there are undisclosed Yahoo password rules.  After, several more rejected attempts, by luck I found a password Yahoo found acceptable.  Finally, I clicked on the "complete the transition" button, and the screen went completely blank.

    I returned to the original Yahoo mail login URL, and it would not accept either the new Yahoo email password or old Cox email password.  In both cases, I received a "invalid username or password" message with a link to a Yahoo Help site URL.  The Yahoo help site directs me to a Cox help site, and the Cox help site directs me back to the Yahoo help site, so both options are a dead end.

    It appears my only viable option is to create a new Gmail account with a name similar to the Cox account I attempted to transfer to Yahoo.


    • coxiscrap1's avatar
      New Contributor II

      For me on my Samsung S22 phone changing server settings to match Yahoo's server settings did not work. What I did that finally did work was to delete the account from the email app on my phone completely and then add a new one, choosing Yahoo service, using my email and new password Yahoo makes you create when you follow the steps in the "transitioned" email from Yahoo. So you have to first set up the account on Yahoo and accept the terms. I had IMAP setup original with Cox email so my emails that were on the Cox server, not Yahoo server showed up. If you have POP you may lose them. No info on that but I certainly would not believe anything Cox tells you. 

      For Outlook the instructions from madweber seemed to help people. Haven't tried them myself but will tonight.

  • Bill_C_'s avatar
    New Contributor II

    Once I received the email from Cox telling me it was now time for me to transition to Yahoo Mail (around March 14, 2024), I used the IMAP settings at I immediately transitioned and it has worked perfectly since March 14th.  I can now send and receive my email using the Outlook email client (both traditional and "new" Outlook). The key to successfully setting your email up in Yahoo Mail lies in whether your data has been MIGRATED to Yahoo Mail yet. If it has not, you can try to set up the email client you're using all day long and you WILL NOT successfully log in to the Yahoo Mail servers. Yahoo Mail has to be able to recognize your email address and can only do so once Cox has migrated your data to Yahoo mail.

    • xwordgal's avatar
      New Contributor

      I am technically challenged and I am dreading the Cox transition to yahoo. I actually do not understand how you use the iMap settings. How do you go about using it and how do you access it. Please excuse my naivety!!  I would appreciate any advice you can give me

    • kcbrent's avatar
      New Contributor II

      If you want an opinion from a cybersecurity professional, stay off the cloud, don’t use yahoo, gmail, Hotmail, or any other flavor. Stay far away from them as possible and use your own email.

      • patouchet's avatar
        New Contributor II

        Too bad I couldn't, switched by mistake and was stuck with their crappy interface- [yahoo is good...for my junk email!]. Didn't research enough; then tried to switch back to Outlook 2019 before they sent the actual transition notification: 4 months after they said "SOON" should've known since they lie about everything else.

    • Rich170's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Bill C

      Thanks for confirming that this transition can work successfully with the specific steps you described. I am still waiting for the "moved" email (last email I received 3rd email dated Feb 2/19 ("home stretch few weeks)). I use pop3 with Outlook email client (with x6 accounts); it should be straightforward as you described. Hopefully.

      Thanks again.

  • alwezhpy's avatar
    New Contributor

    I also have a question about the transition.  Now that the service (email), which we have been paying for, is moving to the free Yahoo platform, is Cox going to lower our service price?  A significant part of Cox's responsibility is being pawned off to Yahoo and Cox's system will be saving quite a bit of resources.  If our bill is not lowered, this will just be another fine example of "shrinkflation" where we continue to pay the same price for less service/product which just increases the company's profit for their shareholders.

    • CherylD's avatar
      New Contributor II

      I totally agree with you on this.  Would also like an answer...especially since Yahoo doesn't seem to offer any support unless you have a paid email account, which is just more cost to us.

    • coxiscrap1's avatar
      New Contributor II

      The answer from ChrisJ2 is disingenuous. Cox like any other for-profit business is not doing anything at their expense for the customer. I wouldn't expect it. Email service they were providing is no exception. Someone is paying for the "free benefit".  Now if those costs are passed to those who signed up after 2019 then they should get the discount once Cox drops their email service and is no longer having to internally fund it. Of course providing email services costs Cox money.  There's equipment, labor, software related expenses, transmission maintenance and capital costs to support internet which the email travels over.  The question still stands and is completely valid. Will Cox lower the cost of their internet service to all of those who are paying for it once they drop their email service costs?  We all know the answer.

      • CherylD's avatar
        New Contributor II

        I agree with you on the fact that Cox will be saving money now that they won't be paying for all you mentioned above.  Email service is not free, but is paid by subscribers as part of their cox internet service payment.  It seems to me that Cox should reduce their price to reflect their cost savings....and the question remains:  did Yahoo receive any compensation from Cox to acquire all of it's email users? 

    • ChrisJ2's avatar

      Hi, there. I understand your concern. Our first consideration with this transition was to ensure there was a future for this ancillary service and Yahoo will provide that. Our email is provided as a free benefit for having signed up with Cox prior to 2019 and has never been a paid service (in the same way basic mail from Gmail and Yahoo are also free). I hope this helps explain. I must apologize, also for the lack of available information. All currently available information can be found at but at this time we don't have any dates confirmed. Customers will begin receiving email communications 60 days prior to migration. Thank you so much for your patience with us. 

      • Dan12345's avatar
        New Contributor

        Chris, take your canned BS corporate responses and stick them where the sun don't shine. Cox sucks, always has and always will.