Forum Discussion

Bigboy1234's avatar
New Contributor
6 years ago

Guest Wifi Network Removed - Really Cox no options to fix this?

I recently discovered that Cox deleted the guest network from all customers that have Panoramic Wifi without notifying anyone. Thanks Cox. After several calls with techs I finally talked to one that told me they were deleted as some compatibility issues were occurring with cable box systems. They also said there are no options to get a guest network other than to possibly buy your own modem or get a different service. Again, thanks Cox. Is this for real? Hasn't the Internet, Wifi, etc. been around for 25+ years? If this problem exists I find it hard to believe that Cox HAS NO QUALIFIED NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERS that can look into this and fix the problem. Cox, please take ownership of this and find a way to give guest networks back to your customers. It is the right thing to do. If you don't, believe me other companies will. Please help.

1 Reply

  • KevinM2's avatar
    Former Moderator
    Hello, we're extremely sorry for having caused frustration with these changes. These changes were made so that customers can take advantage of the new Cox Panoramic WiFi app, The Panoramic WiFi DOCSIS 3.0 and 3.1 modems can both utilize this app now, and we made this change to the older model Panoramic WiFi in order to enhance the customer experience. The downside to this enhancement is that the guest networks are no longer available for the DOCSIS 3.0 models. Cox has no plans at this time to bring the guest network back. -Kevin M. Cox Support Forum Moderator