Guest Wifi Network Removed - Really Cox no options to fix this?
I recently discovered that Cox deleted the guest network from all customers that have Panoramic Wifi without notifying anyone. Thanks Cox. After several calls with techs I finally talked to one that told me they were deleted as some compatibility issues were occurring with cable box systems. They also said there are no options to get a guest network other than to possibly buy your own modem or get a different service. Again, thanks Cox. Is this for real? Hasn't the Internet, Wifi, etc. been around for 25+ years? If this problem exists I find it hard to believe that Cox HAS NO QUALIFIED NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERS that can look into this and fix the problem. Cox, please take ownership of this and find a way to give guest networks back to your customers. It is the right thing to do. If you don't, believe me other companies will. Please help.910Views0likes1Comment