Forum Discussion

afarrugi's avatar
Visitor II
3 days ago

Boy from tinder will not get out of my internet

IF ANYONE CAN HELP ME I WILL PAY YOU KINDLY. I HAVE YET TO FIND SOMEONE WHO CAN FIX THIS. It takes one **bleep** leaking unfinished tracks to alter an artists career. This clown stripped Eminem of his intellectual property rights and he will go to prison for 15 years. Big tech strips you of your DATA DAILY. DESTROYING THE AMERICAN MIDDLE CLASS BECAUSE AMERICA WAS FOUNDED ON INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. I AM AN ARTIST ON STRIKE. I HAVE NOT CREATED MEANINGFUL ART IN ALMOST 3 YEARS. You're a clown to post a good idea on the internet today. It will get copied and sooner or later you will fail because the system is BROKEN. Intellectual property is the foundation of capitalism and what our country was built on. With smart phones and backdoors readily available in so many programs nothing is private anymore. I can't use my own internet without Philip Faia, from Tinder, spying on me. Anything I do on my PC he can see. So I am forced to only play destiny on it with him. I can't get rid of him. I would have to move again, get all new devices, accounts, new job and a new name. He's in all my **bleep**. Even the work laptop assigned by my company. And it's werid, if I piss him off my days at work are way worse but if I am nice to him everything goes good. It's **bleep**ed being a woman today. I have zero-ish control of my job and my internet and I'll my devices are **bleep**ed. I legit cover the camera on my phone alot because when he is spying in my camera on my phone camera gets super hot and my battery dies super quick. THIS IS A CRY FOR HELP.

And the saddest thing of all is that you all sit there rotting away on your stupid **bleep**ing smart phone that costs $10 to make in China and we're designed to brainwash you by geniuses. Then they sell the phone to you for over a grand. Making Americans the biggest clowns of all. Then they make you give the phone you paid over a grand for back in two years, so they can take the parts and make a "new better model". **bleep** all this bull**bleep**. You're all brainwashed and my heart cries for you. Everyone segregated by design by sick **bleep**ing ass holes.

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