Hi, there. I'm really sorry for the issues with your wireless connection. If it is truly a wireless issue and not on our network, I might suggest repositioning your router as small corrections can go a long way towards correcting wifi-related problems. It is best to make sure that the modem/router/gateway is placed in a central location in your home. Even if this is not always possible, when it comes to streaming, you will want to make sure that you limit the walls and objects that are between your devices and your modem/router/gateway and use a wired connection whenever possible. Also, you will want to ensure the router is elevated off the floor as high as you can manage and away from speakers, TVs cordless phones, etc...After you have repositioned the device, reset it so that it can analyze the wifi and change to a cleaner channel and retest.
You can also email us the physical address and any other pertinent information to Cox.Help@cox.com with your name and a copy of this forum message. I would be glad to look at the network for you there.