COX Rated WORST - No surprise there.
Consumer Reports released the results of their survey of telecommunication services. No surprise that COX is in the WORST category no matter whether you look at the "Phne TV Internet Bundles", "Internet Providers", "TV Services" categories. In the "Value" category COX is always the lowest score, and in "Customer Service", the second lowest score possible. Where "reliability" was a rating factor, COX scored the median or "average" value. Same with "speed". Why can a company with record (and increasing) profits sustain such growth with mediocre to poor services? UNREGULATED GOVERNMENT GRANTED MONOPOLIES! As in CA where COX hip-pocket politicians in the state legislature approved a carve up of the state into monopoly zones for telecom services among COX, COMCAST and XFINITY. This allowed COX for the longest time to keep its hip-pocket county commisioners from issuing construction permits to Verizon (local landline phone provider) to update their copper line to fiber which caused Verizon to abandon their services in my area to Frontier, a Chinese company that, because of Chinese law, has to make all communications on its networks available to Chinese military and industrial "intelligence" services without any type of legal review or check and balance. Why the Chinese interest in this area? It is fairly dense with high-tech companies with leading edge tech in medical, aerospace, military and civilian telecom, power generation and distribution technologies, the very areas Chinese spying has been penetrating and stealing for decades. FINALLY (probably due to anti-American Trumpists in the telecom regulating agencies from Fed to state level) Frontier was able to break the COX stranglehold on the permitting process and has just started to upgrade the local copper network to fiber, and in limited neighborhoods, offer high-speed internet via fiber. COX current response in an advertising campaign specifically calling out Frontier on speed based on their historical DSL service in order to be sure no one notices that they are transitioning to Fiber. In addition COX falsely claims a 99%+ up-time/reliability that I have not experienced EVER in Cox internet service, and in their TV service since the early 2000's. To bleed as much money out of existing customers before they discover there may be a more reliable and cost-effective option, COX has increased its customer abuse tactics. For example, charging for streaming services that are only available with a DVR-enable Cox receiver, while they KNOW you are only provisioned with (and charged for) non-DVR capable receiver (and stating when, called on the fact that their Web site says YOUR receiver IS capable of receiving the streaming service - i.e. HBOMax - that you need to upgrade to the DVR capable box at an addition $10 - 15 per month in order to use the service you are being billed for!). Another example: Initially signed up for the lowest internet speed package (at the time 100 mbps) when Verizon disabled my DSL by wiring in a new office complex between my home office and the switch so that the wire run to my house put me outside the DSL capable distance for their copper network. Subsequently I got (and saved) emails from COX telling me how I was getting a "free speed upgrade" to my existing internet service. Of course, these never appeared - at least not according to Ookla Speed Test. What did appear over time was a doubling then tripling of the "Ping" time over my DSL service which I believe is COX's interception of internet/website requests for purposes of privacy violating profiling and corporate throttling "for fun and profit" from data miners and corporations that want "priority" access to COX users. Then to rub salt into thw wounds, COX eliminated the 100 and 150 Mbps tiers, automatically "upgraded" those users to 250 mbps with an overall 40%+ fee increase, BUT NEVER UPGRADED THE ACTUAL SPEED OF THE CONNECTION!!! When contacted, they tried to tell my wife (take advantage of an ignorant woman, they thought - except she shares the same software engineering creds as I have) that in order to get these new speeds we would have to upgrade our equipment to COX "panoramic" (mesh) WiFi, which is total BS especially for a home with one computer wired to the router, and one light-use tablet connected to the internet VERY SPORADICALLY throughout any given day. (No social media accounts, little to no looking at videos, mostly email, some shopping, and some info research for non-digital hobbies.) When challenged, the excuse became, "well your modem is too old - you need to upgrade it". I've been using my own Netgear DOCSIS 3.0 modem since the beginning with COX, and the only problem is their frequent outages that sometimes the own up to as "maintenance" and other times as "outage in your area" always with the same predicted fix time of 6:00 am the next day. Despite knowing this was total BS on COX's part, I went to their web site and found a modem they claimed was DOCSIS 3.1 and compatible with their service. I purchased the modem from BestBuy, but when following the modem manufacturer's instructions for COX activation via COX web site, it failed (waited on activation to complete for several hours and gave up). I then called COX tech support number listed for Internet service activation, provided the tech with the MAC etc. and while waiting for the activation which he could not do, he tried to set up a "service call" by a tech with a replacement modem since the one I had could not be activated (despite all status indicators being normal). I told him that the modem was purchased from BestBuy and then he told me "UNLESS THE MODEM IS SUPPLIED BY COX IT WILL NOT WORK WITH COX INTERNET SERVICE". So, once again COX web site falsely advertises available services for specific hardware models! AND THEY GET AWAY WITH IT BECAUSE THEY ARE AN UNREGULATED MONOPOLY TELECOM PROVIDER!! AND THE KNOWINGLY CONTINUE TO MAKE FALSE CLAIMS AND "SERVICE ADJUSTMENTS" SOLELY TO INCREASE PROFITS WITHOUT IMPROVEMENTS TO QUALITY, QUANTITY OF SERVICE OR "CUSTOMER CARE". That's why, when talking to anyone about my telecom services I say, "COX - say it out loud - that's what you have to deal with - a bunch of....!1.9KViews5likes3CommentsNo internet for 5 days or the connection goes in and out
No one seems to be able to assist. I have tried through the web and the app with resets. I went and bought and picked up new things including their modem, talked to 10 different agents who use the same troubleshooting and telling me to do the same steps I’ve already done. Telling me everything looks fine on their end. What’s funny but not funny about that is, I then received a text from them separately saying there’s an outage in my area. Next was: Cox: Thanks for signing up to receive outage text updates. We're working on it, and expect you to be reconnected by 05:01AM. We'll continue to send updates as they're available. Next was: Cox: The outage in your area is resolved. We'll continue to closely monitor our network. Please let us know if your services are working. Reply "YES" if your service is up and running. Reply "NO" or "Unsure" if you're still having an issue. I say no. Then: We're sorry to see you're having trouble connecting. Please visit to troubleshoot the issue and get back up and running. Then: Cox: Your reset was unsuccessful. Try unplugging the power & plugging it back in. This can take up to 10 min. Then: Cox: It's been 3 days since the outage in your area was resolved, and we're checking to make sure your service is still running smoothly. Reply "YES" if you can connect without issues. Reply "NO" or "Unsure" if you’re still having trouble. I say NO again. Then: We're sorry to see you're having trouble connecting. Please visit to troubleshoot the issue and get back up and running. Now I’m highly annoyed because all these days have passed. I decide to txt AGENT for the 10th and final time. Same troubleshooting steps I already told them I’m tired of doing. Cox: Verify the Coax Cable is Connected into the Cable Port on the Box. Verify Coax Cable is connected to the wall outlet. Ensure all connections between the wall and the equipment are not loose or damaged. Me: I’ve reset, unplugged, plugged back, reset again, unscrewed cords, screwed them back in. It can’t be the modem, router, coax cords, Ethernet cords, power cords, nothing. I got all new stuff yesterday and a new modem from cox 3 days ago.My WiFi worked for 45 minutes today and then gone. I’ve troubleshoot everything, check cords, got a new modem, new router, etc. I’ve been without internet for 5 days. I’ve talked to ten agents. Then I was told there’s an outage in my area AFTER being told there wasn’t Then I’m told- Thank you so much for this confirmation, there are no outages reported in your area at this moment, in this case please allow me to reboot your device in order to clean up your line for any cache or excess of data and check the status of your modem, if the steps we follow don't fix the issue we will schedule a tech visit. 😑 did it, still nope. Next was: Thank you so much for following these steps with me today. I know how important it is for you to get everything working again, it seems like a tech visit needs to be done in order to sort this out for you, the visit would have a $75 potential charge (if the cause of the issue is Cox's responsibility charge won't be applied) I’m like at this point, y’all should’ve came out to the residents affected that are still having troubles because why would they lie 😑😑😑 Anybody else encounter this mess?3.3KViews2likes8Comments6 Technician Work Orders in 3 Months, STILL Having Same Issues
In August of this year, I switched to Cox Gigablast service from their 300Mbps Download service, and have been having several issues ever since. I will explain everything that's happened in order, and the issues I am still having that can hopefully be resolved by someone actually experienced with Modem/Power Level knowledge. CM1000v2 Modem R6900v2 Router - Initially, I had never been receiving the full 1Gig speed, had a technician come out and the issue was resolved that day - Later that week, I sent a reset to my modem and it BRICKED my modem, making it entirely useless, (software ended up being flashed somehow from the modem refresh), and had to receive a new one from Netgear. - THIS is where I had issues starting that are still affecting me, consistent (about a few hours, a couple of times a day) where my upload speed (35Mbps) goes down to nothing higher than 1-5Mbps and download is fine most of the time, but often drops to about 400Mbps. I called a tech, he told me that the whole amplifier out at my box had to be replaced because it was giving out incorrect power levels, and someone had an *INGRESS* line connected to it. -2 Weeks pass still having issues, I call for another tech come out. This tech comments again about why there is an *INGRESS* line coming into the hub/amp and tells me that I am also having incorrect power levels, and plant maintenance would come in a couple of days to adjust my power levels. -1 Weeks passes, still having issues, I call for another tech visit. (In between this time a different tech had disconnected the splitter going to a neighbor's residency and removed the ingress line) This tech says he is receiving noise levels through the amplifier, then says it's coming from my line. We replace the line and he says everything is good. -Next day I am still having the same issue, tech is scheduled to come the next week. Tech comes to test speeds from my modem and is unable to hold a connection through my modem until he calls Cox to change my IP to my modem from a Dynamic IP to a Static IP. He then is able to connect and says everything is fine, I comment to him about how all my downstream power levels are around 9-11 dBmV, and he says he has "All green checks" on his end so it's fine. -Come to today, I am still having the same issues, where I cannot manage to have a consistent Upload speed from my connection for more than a couple of hours a day. I am very certain that the issue is my downstream power levels, as they are now increasing to 10.5-12.5 dBmV and should for sure be around 7-8dBmV. (Photos below) I am here on this forum to get further insight if this is not the issue, or whenever the next tech comes, I can tell him "THIS IS THE PROBLEM" and know it is correct. Thanks you. SB8200 Docsis 3.1 GigaBlast No Blue Lights Up or Down
Called Cox for new internet options. Told me I was grandfathered in at 150. Quoted me 300 and Giga. Call ended. I had a Netgear 3.0 modem / router combo that worked fine. I buy a 3.0 modem and a mesh router to increase my WIFI area. I try to get it calibrated only to find out I have a work order for GigaBlast speeds and my 3.0 equipment is unusable. So as a patient person I go and swap my 3.0 for a 3.1 modem costing me more money. I call to get the 3.1 calibrated by Cox and it shows all green lights 3.0, no blue lights for Arris SB8200 Docsis 3.1 GigaBlast No Blue Lights Up or Down. Speeds are 250 down and 20 up and that is before and after a modem factory reset with ONLY my laptop plugged in. Tried with a desktop as well with the same result. - Called and asked was GiagBlast and Docsis 3.1 avilable in my area and told it was - Forced to GigaBlast without request and told I can't return to my original speed - Asked me to upgrade my equipment to take advantage of GigaBlast but when equipment is installed it I only get 3.0 and low speeds - Called from 10am to Midnight and text chat too. After dealing with 6 different people and a whole day wasted I still got nowhere - Best of all I was told no work could be done while there was an "outage" in my area. One that lasted from 2pm to 7pm, and then another that started at 12am forecast to end at 6am. Anybody else have these issues and if so how were they resolved??? - Do yourself a favor and DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT engage in the text chat option from your phone. A waste of time and resources!!!! Similar situations like mine so I know I am not alone when it comes to the level of customer service and technical support Standard Specification Compliant Docsis 3.1 Hardware Version 4 Software Version D31CM-PEREGRINE- Connection The status listed show the connection state of the cable modem. They are used by your service provider to evaluate the operation of the cable modem. Startup Procedure Procedure Status Comment Acquire Downstream Channel 957000000 Hz Locked Connectivity State OK Operational Boot State OK Operational Configuration File OK Security Enabled BPI+ DOCSIS Network Access Enabled Allowed Downstream Bonded Channels Channel ID Lock Status Modulation Frequency Power SNR/MER Corrected Uncorrectables 30 Locked QAM256 957000000 Hz 2.6 dBmV 37.3 dB 103 482 1 Locked QAM256 783000000 Hz 1.3 dBmV 37.9 dB 0 0 2 Locked QAM256 789000000 Hz 1.3 dBmV 37.9 dB 0 0 3 Locked QAM256 795000000 Hz 1.4 dBmV 37.8 dB 0 0 4 Locked QAM256 801000000 Hz 1.3 dBmV 37.9 dB 0 0 9 Locked QAM256 831000000 Hz 1.2 dBmV 37.7 dB 0 0 10 Locked QAM256 837000000 Hz 1.6 dBmV 37.8 dB 0 0 11 Locked QAM256 843000000 Hz 1.6 dBmV 37.9 dB 0 0 12 Locked QAM256 849000000 Hz 1.7 dBmV 37.8 dB 0 0 17 Locked QAM256 879000000 Hz 1.9 dBmV 37.5 dB 0 0 18 Locked QAM256 885000000 Hz 1.7 dBmV 37.3 dB 0 0 19 Locked QAM256 891000000 Hz 1.8 dBmV 37.4 dB 0 0 20 Locked QAM256 897000000 Hz 1.7 dBmV 37.3 dB 0 0 21 Locked QAM256 903000000 Hz 1.5 dBmV 37.2 dB 0 0 22 Locked QAM256 909000000 Hz 1.6 dBmV 37.1 dB 0 0 25 Locked QAM256 927000000 Hz 2.3 dBmV 37.3 dB 0 0 26 Locked QAM256 933000000 Hz 2.7 dBmV 37.4 dB 0 0 27 Locked QAM256 939000000 Hz 2.9 dBmV 37.4 dB 0 0 28 Locked QAM256 945000000 Hz 2.8 dBmV 37.3 dB 0 0 29 Locked QAM256 951000000 Hz 2.8 dBmV 37.4 dB 0 0 33 Not Locked Unknown 357000000 Hz -46.1 dBmV 0.0 dB 0 0 34 Not Locked Unknown 363000000 Hz -45.9 dBmV 0.0 dB 0 0 35 Not Locked Unknown 369000000 Hz -45.9 dBmV 0.0 dB 0 0 36 Not Locked Unknown 375000000 Hz -45.8 dBmV 0.0 dB 0 0 37 Not Locked Unknown 381000000 Hz -45.7 dBmV 0.0 dB 0 0 38 Not Locked Unknown 387000000 Hz -45.5 dBmV 0.0 dB 0 0 41 Not Locked Unknown 405000000 Hz -45.8 dBmV 0.0 dB 0 0 42 Not Locked Unknown 411000000 Hz -46.0 dBmV 0.0 dB 0 0 43 Not Locked Unknown 417000000 Hz -46.5 dBmV 0.0 dB 0 0 44 Not Locked Unknown 423000000 Hz -47.2 dBmV 0.0 dB 0 0 45 Not Locked Unknown 429000000 Hz -47.8 dBmV 0.0 dB 0 0 46 Not Locked Unknown 435000000 Hz -48.3 dBmV 0.0 dB 0 0 159 Locked Other 300000000 Hz -47.2 dBmV 0.0 dB 0 0 Upstream Bonded Channels Channel Channel ID Lock Status US Channel Type Frequency Width Power 1 1 Locked SC-QAM 16900000 Hz 6400000 Hz 40.0 dBmV 2 2 Locked SC-QAM 23500000 Hz 6400000 Hz 41.0 dBmV 3 3 Locked SC-QAM 29900000 Hz 6400000 Hz 42.0 dBmV 4 4 Locked SC-QAM 36300000 Hz 6400000 Hz 42.0 dBmV Current System Time: Tue Apr 16 01:05:19 20194.2KViews1like2CommentsCox Gigablast and Motorola MB8600 modem issues/firmware updates!~
Motorola/Cox, I am between a rock and a hard place and neither of you are helping me! Cox flat out said and it is also on their website – They do NOT provide firmware updates for user owned/3 rd party modems. I purchased an MB8600 a few months ago and it just degraded to less than 50% speed on my 1GB service. The tech tested the line all the way from road to modem connect and it is 1.3GB down / 30 MB upload. The modem now consistently spits out around 360MB to my desktop direct connect via CAT6 Ethernet. The tech arrived yesterday and after 2 hours it was agreed by both of us the modem needs a FIRMWARE update. Currently the modem is on version 8600-18.2.9 and was working fine for last 4 months until now. I see there is a history of Cox not updating user's modems. I only purchased my own after two visits to my hours by 3 different Cox techs and 7 hours of troubleshooting could NOT find the problem, but they all agreed my line to the modem was AWESOME! I need someone to upgrade this modem or I have to return it for a refund with another vendor’s modem. Bill K2.8KViews1like2Comments3 Months of Multiple Daily Instances of Modem Self-Restarting
I am at a loss here. For the past 2-3 months, I've been having issues with my Panoramic Wifi modem issued by Cox, model CGM4331COM. At least 2-3 times per day, it will restart itself. This has been an everyday occurrence since the issue started. Starts off with losing internet connection to all devices, then the modem will blink yellow, then blink green, then back to solid white. It only takes about 5 minutes to come back online, but the constant daily interruption has become very irritating. Tonight it did something new, which prompted me to create this post; we lost connection and the light turned solid red until I unplugged the power and plugged it back in. We've had at least 5 techs come out to inspect outdoor lines, indoor lines, connection strength, ingress, the works. In the order in which steps have been taken to resolve the issue: A filter was installed on the outdoor connection. We had a pretty badly squirrel-chewed line that was replaced at the pole. There was an outdoor connection leading into our attic that was totally corroded that was replaced. The last tech that came mentioned that he removed a splitter in our attic so that we are directly wired from modem to pole now. In between all of this, we have been advised to replace the modem, and we did (twice). I have tried the online and telephone help options several times. A couple of times, it has restarted itself while I was on the phone or chat with the agent, and their only advice was to restart it? We have had the modem plugged into both a surge protector and directly into an outlet, and it still restarts itself periodically. We have tried plugging it into a different outlet with the same results. It has restarted itself whether it is physically connected to any devices via ethernet or not. All connections are tight and secure. I am not sure how to insert data into a table on here and make it legible, but I will occasionally look at the connection status screen under CM Error Codewords. Unerrored Codewords usually sit in the 50-100 million range. Correctable Codewords sit in the ~100k+ range. Uncorrectable Codewords will sit in the high 10-20k range. If need be, I can try to get better data from that section. Before this gets to be a novel, I'll leave it at this. I believe I have covered most of what has been attempted during the long troubleshooting process, but the last agent I spoke to on the phone happened to mention that none of the previous techs have been documenting their findings, so everyone that helps me at this point will just have to trust that we have tried seemingly everything with no results.1.5KViews1like14CommentsCOX Internet Issues
So I previously had COX's 150mbps plan. I am in the Military and due to certain issues i had to cancel my plan and ended up upgrading to the 500mbps plan. This has been the absolute worst month i've ever had in customer support. I currently have the Netgear AC1750 Router and the Netgear CM1000 Modem. I called COX and asked them why i'm not getting 120 mbps download over 5G and they sent a tech which said my equipment was at fault. Shortly after i contacted Netgear and they said it's due to COX not having my modem on the correct firmware. My modem is on V6.01.07 and based off of the website it's supposed to be on V1.01.03. I called Cox and spoke to 5 different people and none of them know what to do to fix this. has anyone else had this problem with overpaying for internet you haven't received?2.8KViews1like5CommentsInternet disconnects for 10-15 seconds several times an hour.
I'm using an Arris SB8200. For the past week or so, the Internet cuts out for 10-15 seconds several times an hour. I've run a recurring ping and it shows it dropping on the first hop from my router. It's not a Wi-Fi issue--I'm on Ethernet--and it impacts multiple devices. I've power-cycled my cable modem, factory reset it, etc. but still have this issue.Solved3.7KViews1like30CommentsCox service is making me lose my hair!!!
UPDATE 2/7: today the internet went out and as usual it happened in the same time like before. UPDATE 2/6: so I had a tech come in on Thursday [2/4] to look at the "issue" and they said that it was the POE filter and the splitter that was installed on the main line that's causing the disconnections. They said it was not up to spec with their network. Okay so they replaced it with their own as well as replaced the coax cables that's connected from the outlet to my modem. Today [2/6] I've now experienced a disconnection for 10 mins instead of a mere 1-2 mins prior to this "fix". So I pretty much spent $100 of my money just to get a worse network experience. I, and others in my household, rely on your network 24/7 not just for leisure but also for work and cannot have interruptions this severe. I am now contemplating on reporting this to the FCC the more issues I experience. I've been having issues everyday at the same timeframe with my gigablast. I've never had an issue before but so far it has started on the 2nd week of January to now and it had only worked without issue for two days straight last week.. My network connection would cut off multiple times around 11am-2pm everyday and whenever I ask assistance they would always tell me that they'll send out a tech to check my connection. I've factory reset my modem and router a million times, switched over to another coax port in the house, have tried having a direct connection from the main line to one coax port (no splitter), I've done having direct connection to the modem and all these steps have not resolved the issue. The website says that there are no outages, maintenance, service interruptions whatsoever but there clearly is. It seems Cox isn't as responsive unless it about bill pay. Customer Support would always pull a "let's have a tech come in to check your connection", no my connection isn't the issue, the residents in the vicinity is having the issue and Cox doesn't seem to understand that. I've asked multiple times to check the main line that goes in our area but no one is sent to check it. There are multiple reports even on Downdetector of the same issue I'm experiencing.3.5KViews1like14CommentsDaily restarts at the same time
Every day at 5:19 am, my Arris TG1682G restarts itself. I have attempted tech support, where they just check for outages. I have downloaded the WiFi app, searched and found no help there, no settings that control such an event. I have logged into the modem's interface and looked for any type of settings to change the time it resets or to disable this feature completely.5KViews1like8Comments