Hi Parakeet49, welcome to the Cox Forums! Thanks for your question. You've come to the right place! We have to get permission from each network to feature their channel(s) in our Contour App lineup, and the networks dictate whether or not customers can access content when outside of the home. The list of out of home channels is found at https://www.cox.com/residential/support/contour-app-out-of-home-channels.html. Learn to filter the channels in the Contour App at https://www.cox.com/residential/support/viewing-out-of-home-programming-using-the-contour-app.html so you can view only out-of-home channels. When out of town, I prefer using individual TV network apps like Peacock, Max, CBS, etc., or by logging into the network's website using a browser (www.fox.com, for example). When prompted, select Cox as your provider and login with your Cox primary user ID. If you subscribe to Cloud DVR, you can access your DVR recordings through the Contour App when outside of your home. The article at https://www.cox.com/residential/support/downloading-recordings-using-the-contour-app.html explains how to download titles while connected to your home network so you can watch them while you're away. You can also view purchased content using the Contour App. Feel free to ask more questions. We have many knowledgeable community members who can offer other tips and suggestions!