Forum Discussion

Audi74's avatar
New Contributor
2 years ago

No Audio on MSNBC for Days

I have called Cox and reset box multiple times.  Sometimes, after the lengthy reset, the sound works but only for a few minutes.  The last call someone told me that it was a nationwide problem with both MSNBC and Fox News.  I hate Fox News and there has never been an audio problem.

Anyone else having this problem?

  • I just reset all 3 of my cable boxes and finally have sound from CNN. 

  • charles16's avatar
    New Contributor

    2/5/24, having this same problem (no audio on MSNBC).  This has been happening off and on for quite a while.  First time I spoke with tech, they rebooted my cable box from the help line - MSNBC audio started again, but after a couple days, it was gone.  Next time, tried resetting from home (pulled power cable for 30 seconds), did not fix.  Took the cable box in and swapped it for a new one, same thing is happening again today.  Checked the SAP setting, appears to be turned to English.  Have checked other channels, they seem to be fine, for us it's just MSNBC.  Resetting cable boxes is NOT the solution, at least from home.  If somebody told me some right wing nutjob who works at Cox is doing this to MSNBC, I would believe them...

    • ChrisJ2's avatar

      Hi, Charles. I'm so sorry for the audio issue you're experiencing and I want to help. Please email us the physical address and any other pertinent information to with your name and a copy of this forum message. I would be glad to look into this for you. 

    • Ichabod's avatar
      New Contributor

      Hi Charles.  Did this get fixed? I'm having a very si alarm problem about which I just posted. Thanks.  Joe

      • charles16's avatar
        New Contributor

        No, happened again yesterday.  Rebooted cable box and fiddled with SAP and it's working now, but recordings made while audio was out have no sound.


  • JTaxman's avatar
    New Contributor

    Same problem on CNN channel on cox contour box.  Started Wednesday.  Service via chat just had me restart modem.  Not effective.  Planning to call (rather than chat) to see if they are having a systemwide problem.


      • Becky's avatar

        Hi Everyone, resetting SAP is certainly a good place to start if one channel has no audio and your other channels are fine. If you continue to experience audio issues, please email my team at so we can further investigate. 

    • CurtB's avatar
      Honored Contributor

      SAP was my first thought too.  I don't watch MSNBC or Fox News, but programs on those channels during random checks over the past couple of days didn't have an SAP channel. 

  • Skbeene1's avatar
    New Contributor II

    I am experiencing the same issue with CNN channel 8  that is the only station with no audio  




    • Skbeene1's avatar
      New Contributor II

      I just reset all 3 of my cable boxes and finally have sound from CNN. 

  • earnon1's avatar
    New Contributor

    This began happening for us just yesterday, 1/16. Called Cox and reset through the phone menu. Audio returned to normal.

    Tonight, 1/17, it happened again. We’re now on the second reset through the phone menu. After the first, the audio worked for 15 minutes then disappeared again. The adjacent channels have no issues. 

    Will be calling to speak to a live person tomorrow I guess when I muster the patience. 🙄

  • CurtB's avatar
    Honored Contributor

    Audio and/or video issues for specific channels can be caused by a weak mainline signal or faulty equipment that affects those channel frequencies.  If you have Cox Complete Care, schedule a tech visit to check your signal.  If your dropline connects to the mainline at a pole, be sure to request a tech with a long ladder.  Ask the tech to check your signal at the tap.  If possible, schedule the visit during a time when the issue occurs most often.  If you don't have CCC, Cox may charge for a service call if no issue is found with their signal or equipment.