Forum Discussion

Myopic1's avatar
New Contributor
7 years ago

10 Days Without Cox On Demand. Tivo is not the culprit!

In the Hampton Roads Area, we have not had access to any On Demand shows. I have been trying to binge watch "Outlander" on STARZ (which I pay extra for) and I cannot access any channel via On Demand. It is not Tivo related because I do not have Tivo nor any other DVR. The error is at Cox's doorstep. When will this be corrected?

  • Bruce's avatar
    Honored Contributor III

    You can try to reset your cable box via your account.  If a reset doesn't work, call Cox to reprovision your box.  They read off a troubleshooting script so be patient.

  • Hi Myopic1, what happens when you try to access STARZ On Demand? I've tested several Outlander episodes in On Demand, and each episode has played without issue. Are you getting a black screen or an error message? If you haven't already done so, unplug your cable boxes for 2 minutes. After plugging the power back in, give each box several minutes to go through the boot process. Please let us know if resetting your receivers restores your ability to access On Demand. We may need to send a signal to each receiver as Bruce suggested. -Becky, Cox Support Forums Moderator
    • Myopic1's avatar
      New Contributor

      It’s not only STARZ, it’s every channel in On Demand. I get the message, “This program is currently unavailable. Please try later yadda, yadda, yadda.” I have unplugged from the wall 10 times and tried resetting it online. When I get back into town I’ll place a call. Thank you for the responses. 

      • Andrew_Wees's avatar
        Contributor III

        if you are using a tivo the ondemand is through an app not the channels  what tivo model?  look in the apps section for cox app