Forum Discussion

Jim7374's avatar
New Contributor
4 years ago


Uploads speeds dropped to 0.3 when a COX tech replaced a worn-out modem.

Tech saw good speeds when he tested, but speeds dropped as soon as he left. We disconnected everything and used hard wired connection, but upload speed never improved.

Our downloads are low, but usable.Upload is impossible. We work from home, and this is about to cause us to lose our jobs cuz we can't upload spreadsheets, etc - even the smallest one, or a document, hangs.

We ordered Gig service and have never gotten thsoe speeds. Oh, by the way, if you live in a neighborhood without fiber wiring, you will never get gig speeds!

  • skohon25's avatar
    New Contributor III

    I am experiencing the same issue in SW Las Vegas

  • BenS1's avatar
    Former Moderator
    Hi @Jim7374,

    I know that slow upload speeds can be the pits. Are there any splitters or amplifiers that are connected to the coaxial that is screwed into the back of your modem? If so can you bypass the splitter/amplifier and plug it directly into the wall from the modem?

    Ben S.
    Cox Support Forums Moderator