Forum Discussion

fretm's avatar
New Contributor II
6 years ago

Data Usage Meter is showing double!!

Anyone else seeing this today?  Yesterday I noticed I've gone over the data limit for the current month so called customer service and added 500gb(kids home for summer).  Today I see that the data usage meter is showing double of what it was/should be.  My daily data usage is showing the correct amounts as well the notifications I receive through txt and email.  Just spent 2 hours on phone with customer support and all they keep telling me is the data usage meter is always correct and I some how used 1.4 terabytes over night.

anyone else?  any recommendations on how to get this resolved?

Seems this has happened before...

  • Xini's avatar
    New Contributor II

    Check your account thru the Cox wi-fi app. It has different features than  you can see devices connected as well as devices previously connected. And then you can match the devices to your households and double check the data usage with website if they don't match up then you probably have extra devices connecting that aren't yours.  Once a device connects it will have you wLAN setting and can connect to your internet even if you reset your router and change the password.  Cust service and techs will tell you that it can't be done but yes it can. I've spent 3 months trying to provide them with proof of double usage because I don't think I should be billed for something that they still can't secure!!

  • cass9999's avatar
    New Contributor

    My usage meter shows the same thing. I can look at my modem data usage for the day and the cox meter will show double that the next day. Sometimes recently it's more than double. The online chat has NEVER been able to fix it. We are going to get rid of Cox Internet and Cox Cable.

  • Bruce's avatar
    Honored Contributor III

    Bounce your kids off your network.

  • qkypgy's avatar
    New Contributor II

    Me too. The modem usage showed I used 712GB, but the daily usage only add up to 369GB. I contacted support, a ticket has been opened. Hope they fix it soon. I do not want to be paying the overage.

  • fretm's avatar
    New Contributor II

    Looks like they fixed it.  now off to kick the kids off the network....

    • Bruce's avatar
      Honored Contributor III

      What indicates they fixed it?  I thought the Cox Data Usage Meter is infallible.

      • fretm's avatar
        New Contributor II

        checked my "usage by modem" today and its now showing half of what it was last night.  And it now matches what is shown on the current daily chart.

    • qkypgy's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Yes they fixed it. Now the Usage by Modem and Data Usage are in sync. It's showing 385GB by modem and if I added up the daily usage in this cycle, it's also 385GB.

  • iamkimchi's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Their usage meter is a joke.  I have 2 Data Usage Apps/Scripts on my router, and Cox is always "overestimating" my usage compared to what my own Data Usage apps show me I am using.  

    They will tell you that it may be off by a small percentage, but when they charge you for even going 1GB over the cap, they hit you with the overage.  What a phuking joke

  • Kns111701's avatar
    New Contributor

    My internet usage is INCORRECT!! My bill is $100 over my normal limit!!!!!