Forum Discussion

Steeler_Nation's avatar
New Contributor
4 years ago

Cox upload speed 1mb with gigablast

Paying for the Gigablast plan and only getting 1 mbps upload speeds. My download speeds are perfect i get up to 960 wired at times, but my upload is not. I've had a technician recently come out and clean up interference from my cable lines and my issues seemed to be fixed temporarily. Ive purchased 2 new modems and had them activated separately and the issue still exist. (Netgear cm1200 and Arris Surfboard SB8200 (which im keeping bc of its compactness) . Ive got another tech scheduled to come out Saturday but i feel like this might be a issue at the cable line source. I asked the live chat agent if he can get someone to check on the signal of the are and he told me the agent he scheduled will work outside. My hopes aren't hi that the person scheduled will actually do any work at the source and will only work on the cable box outside of my house which was recently worked on and currently only has 1 line running into it due to me cutting off my phone line. That cable is connected by 2 or 3 couplers and no splitters. Any help would be appreciated. Ive tested the speeds coming directly from the modem as well. Im starting to think cox is intentionally sabotaging my upload speeds in hopes to get me to pay for the panoramic modem/router which they keep throwing in my face.

13 Replies

  • JonathanJ's avatar
    Former Moderator
    @Steeler Nation

    Please let us know if you're still having an issue after the tech visit. Thanks

    Jonathan J
    Cox Moderator
    • Steeler_Nation's avatar
      New Contributor

      After the tech left my upload speeds were fine for a few hours. Around 7pm the same night they went back down to about 1mbps and currently still low. At this point the issue has to be for the area or at the overhead pole which the lines feed into. That is the only spot that has not been checked on.

      • MichaelJ's avatar
        Hi Steeler,

        I am sorry to hear that this is an ongoing issue for you. When the techs come out they run tests for signal strength to see if there are issues occurring outside the home that need looking into. I suggest scheduling another tech to come out so they can investigate the issue furhter. You may contact our Tech Support Team via online chat: (24/7), or by Toll-free number: 1-800-234-3993 (24/7). The Social Media Team can also help troubleshoot the issue and schedule a tech if needed, You may reach out to us via Facebook, or Twitter @coxhelp, or send us an email to

        Thank you,

        Mike J.
        Cox Support Forums Moderator
  • Update: specialist came out and indeed found issues with our connection to the pole. Said he'd put in a ticket to get a truck out here to fix it within 3-7 days. Also said they might decide to bury our cable lines underground at that time since they're overhead at the moment.

    • CrystalS's avatar
      Former Moderator
      Hello @Steeler Nation,

      Thank you for the update. This is very helpful. If you need any assistance from us. We are always available for you. Please reach us on Twitter at @CoxHelp, visit us on Facebook, or email us at Provide us the name on the account with the complete service address with a link to this thread so we can get started.

      Crystal S.
      Cox Support Forum Moderator
  • Another update

    So I was waiting forever for someone to hook the cable like that they buried up and after over a week I decided to contact cox through the online chat. I asked when we're they going to connect my cable. The agent informed me that they indeed needed to connect my cable ( which of course I already knew ). Then proceeds to tell me the soonest they can come out is tomorrow and listed times . So in my head I'm thinking " were they never going to follow up and come out to connect the cable I did not reach out and contact them ?". So now they're scheduled to come out and connect it tomorrow and hopefully I can close this sad chapter of horrible internet arc.

  • Another update

    So I was waiting forever for someone to hook the cable like that they buried up and after over a week I decided to contact cox through the online chat. I asked when we're they going to connect my cable. The agent informed me that they indeed needed to connect my cable ( which of course I already knew ). Then proceeds to tell me the soonest they can come out is tomorrow and listed times . So in my head I'm thinking " were they never going to follow up and come out to connect the cable I did not reach out and contact them ?". So now they're scheduled to come out and connect it tomorrow and hopefully I can close this sad chapter of horrible internet arc.

    • JonathanJ's avatar
      Former Moderator
      @Steeler Nation

      I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. Please feel free to reach out anything at so If you need further assistance.

      Jonathan J
      Cox Moderator

      • Steeler_Nation's avatar
        New Contributor

        So I decided to give it awhile b4 post again. While I'm seeing my expected 35 mbs alot more often. It still drops to like 2mbs on some devices every now and then. I've yet to have a technician that's come out to check out the tap and everything else has been checked on. Cox seems hesitant to have someone to come out to check that and I don't understand why. 

    • Forgot to close this thead out but my internet has been fine for the most part. Get 20 upload here and there but mainly getting my intended 35 upload now. If it decides to act up again att is laying fiber down in my neighborhood now so I have options finally.
    • Nick10's avatar
      New Contributor

      How did you get it fixed? We have had the same issue for a month now and my gf has lost her job being unable to stream. It will sometimes read fine on a test but streams won’t hold and we have had multiple techs come out. Replaced modem, replaced line, tested everything. Still doesn’t work and Cox isn’t helping. They hang up calls on us constantly, the last tech shrugged their shoulders and said he did everything he could when it still wasn’t working. I’ve told multiple Cox employees it’s at the neighborhood level because our neighbors are having the same issue, and they either say they put in a ticket that ends up not existing when we call back, or they send someone out for nothing basically at this point. We are losing thousands of dollars at this point from her not being able to work and Cox has been impossible to deal with.