Forum Discussion

ebatten2's avatar
New Contributor II
2 years ago

Cox Support

Thought I would bring this here as no where else in the Cox support system seems to be interested.  

So here goes ... 

Experiencing random outages ... scheduled a tech to visit. So far so good.

I live in a neighborhood that has a lot of ongoing construction right now. Cox has contracted with a company (TruNet Communications) to install access to the homes being prepped to be built.
TruNet techs knocked down my services today ... I went to ask for how long and they said they would be right back up. I am still waiting 30+ hours later (the techs left the site with no word on why of if the services were still down).  

Now the fun stuff. Contacting support.

Started an online chat session and was told there was no outage in my area ... so I had no issues. I explained I was the outage. And what had happened. I was told that I would have to wait until the previously scheduled tech arrived in 2 days but that I was not an outage. Wonder if their support metrics get better if they can somehow keep from "helping" customers?
I said 2 days was not acceptable and requested a call from a supervisor. I was told that a supervisor could only "chat" with me. Wonder if I was truly talking with a supervisor or the original agents brother, cousin or friend. Probably a co-worker as they proceeded to ask the exact same questions as the first agent. No resolution using this method.

Decided to try the 1-800 support number. Another fiasco ... the girl was nice enough ... had me reboot my modem (the 4th time this was performed during these processes). She confirmed ... I was indeed off-line  and said I needed to wait 2 days for the scheduled tech. I said this was unacceptable as THIS problem was caused by Cox (or their contractor) and asked if they could send a repair person asap. I was told the earliest that a repair person could come was 5 days away from this posting. So, I said I was unhappy but would wait for the scheduled tech.

The "Adventure" was not over ... I received a text that she or someone in her sphere cancelled the scheduled tech! I am serious ... I had to run the chat support gamut again to get it rescheduled.
Unbelievable ...

Not a way to do business. Not a way to keep customers interested in your services. Pretty sure you (Cox Communications) could care less.

  • CurtB's avatar
    Honored Contributor

    Welcome to the forums.  If your issues are due to declared outages, there's probably not much the contributors on this forum can do to help you.  WiderMouthOpen is the best person to answer your questions, but there are a couple of others who can help too, if help is possible.  In the meantime, avoid using Cox chat.  It's probably a bot unless you type Live Agent.  I can give you a Cox email contact that's much more likely to get results. 

    Contact and provide your full name, your service address and a description of your problem or a link to this forum discussion.  They can work with that.  Good luck.

      • CurtB's avatar
        Honored Contributor

        It's okay.  I just said you were the best person to answer his questions.  I never said anything about right answers.  πŸ˜Ž  I probably shouldn't have just said that.  He might think I was being serious.  Don't worry.  If anyone can help him, you can.   But if it's a maintenance outage, you might have to get on a plane and fly somewhere to help install fiber to do it.

    • WiderMouthOpen's avatar
      Esteemed Contributor II

      First, when you call it a outage, how do you mean that? Do you know for a fact that others in your area are offline or is it just you? If not, there isn't much you can do Cox side. They have to schedule technician as per their dispatch and time allows. If you had phone, you could get an escalated tech. Not sure if they still use it but there was something called a Coffee point's form to request a sooner technician. Outages go to maintenance(or maybe this case to TrueNet) so the problem may be resolved before the technician. What I suggest doing is calling TrueNet and see what they say. I found there number on their website and it's 904-777-9052. Let us know how it goes. Good luck.

      • ebatten2's avatar
        New Contributor II

        Tried the number ... unless you have an actual name to enter all you get is the auto operator telling you to use the directory ... the "leave a message" option takes you to an inbox directory where again, you need an actual name to enter.  Unable to contact anyone via the number OR leave a message option.