Forum Discussion

trev_io's avatar
New Contributor III
4 years ago

Consistent Packet loss (25% or more) for six months, extremely disappointed

I am not one to complain but I feel I must make this post for other cox users experiencing the same frustration.  For six months straight I cannot stream video *upload or play games consistently on a  gigabit ethernet connection. I have replaced all my equipment (modem, router, switches, cable runs) and had 6 different techs to investigate the issue and I still experience this problem every day and it only gets worse.  I was recently told it was an issue with the Node and that it was a known issue that has been reported multiple times.  I have been told to wait for them to fix it and I feel like there is nothing I can do anymore.  Every time I call retention to get my bill reduced for the issue I am met with denial and impatience.  All I want to do is simply pay for a good internet connection but since COX has a monopoly in my area have no choice but to be at their whim.  All but one tech that has came out has shown any sort of care for my issue while the rest have said they would escalate my issue for me to find out no notes were left on my account and I have to start the process over again and again.  COX is hands down the worst internet provider I have ever been a customer of and I really use to love this company which at the point is just embarrassing to even say.  The service up to this point is unacceptable and goes to show what happens when you do not need to compete for customers.  I will be filing an FCC report and at this point if the problem is not resolved this month I will be using a cellular router with a data plan because that unfortunately looks like it will be the better option at this point.

For any cox techs that reply to help me I already have open tickets regarding this case.

  •, I can certainly understand your frustration with ongoing service issues and we can take a closer look into this issue for you. Please send us an email with your full name, address, and a brief description of this concern to -Allan, Cox Support Forums Moderator
    • trev_io's avatar
      New Contributor III

      I sent an email.  Techs fixed the node and I am still experiencing the same issue.  The fact that I pay over 100$ for this connection is insanity and should be illegal.  I fear no one cares to fix this issue at this point and it all feels hopeless.

      • CrystalS's avatar
        Former Moderator
        I see in the thread that you have already sent us an email. The purpose of the Cox Internet Forum is to allow customers to discuss technical topics related to residential Cox Cable, Telephone, and High-Speed Internet services with other customers. This appears as if you may need someone to look into your account. We would definitely be able to assist you with this. Please reach us on Twitter at @CoxHelp, visit us on Facebook, or email us at Please not personally. Provide us the name on the account with the complete service address with a link to this thread so we can get started.

        We can review the account for you concerning your bill. Within the email please send your full name, the primary account holder's name, the complete address. It will be our pleasure to assist you.

        Crystal S.
        Cox Support Forum Moderator

  • trev_io's avatar
    New Contributor III

    1 week update: Still not fixed (I have been in contact with support) will post again in another week.

    • JonathanJ's avatar
      Former Moderator

      We understand your frustration with this situation and like to take another look since the node work has been completed. Please email your account information to

      Jonathan J
      Cox Moderator
      • trev_io's avatar
        New Contributor III

        I already have an email thread going following the node being fixed dont really see how starting another one is going to help.

  • Dave9's avatar
    Contributor III

    Have you checked your cable modem signals and logs to confirm that your connection to the cable network is clean and stable? This is step 1 because if your cable network connection is no good, nothing else will help. There can be a lot of other problems but this is the first thing to check.

    • trev_io's avatar
      New Contributor III

      I have checked logs from both my modem and router which I also replaced with new equipment just to be sure it wasn't that.  I ran ping tests to my modem to make sure its not my ethernet run going to my computer the only thing that has not been done is replacing the coax run to my apartment.  When I asked them to do it they said there would be no point because they said the run was only around 5 years old and they had also found an issue at the node at the same time.  Whatever the issue is it has been confirmed by cox to be on their end of the connection but no matter how many times I call a tech to look at it they cannot figure out how to fix it.  Its either that or they will show up without reading any of the case notes completely blind to the fact that there were other techs working on it and it starts from square one every time.

    • trev_io's avatar
      New Contributor III

      Could you please elaborate on what you mean when you say check my cable modem signals.  

      • Dave9's avatar
        Contributor III

        For some modems, you can get signals and logs by browsing to For Panoramic someone else would have to give instructions. You're looking for things like high uncorrectable numbers,too-low downstream power, too-high upstream power, T3 timeouts, etc. It's a bit different on every modem but unfortunately this is something you need to know how to do in order to help Cox find the issue.

  • I feel your pain, I've had this problem for over 6 years and they've never actually fixed it. It's getting to the point that I am just going to start filing FCC complaints instead of calling/chatting there support.

    • ChrisL's avatar
      Former Moderator
      I certainly regret any inconvenience caused by all of this. I so see you've been with us for a while now and I can understand how frustrating service issues can be. If you'd like to email us at we'd be happy to see what we can do to help.

  • I'm right there with you, we have had COX for close to 30 years, we filed complaints with the FCC and the BBB, the first time COX responded they claimed me and my husband were not on the account, so that was a task to get fixed so at least he was on it, that's done now. So we had to send another complaint to the FCC and BBB in order to get them to respond to our actual concern, this second time around they said a company line using language we did not use "intermittent issues can happen every once in awhile and we understand your frustration". The problem here is that we don't have issues with our upload speed every once in awhile, we have them 99% of the entire month. So they then tell us the tech we had in Jan found zero issues, we knew he wouldn't, because that was the 1%, that was the one day out of the entire month of Jan that our upload speed worked, I had even mentioned TO him when he got here that it was actually working, and I mentioned in the FCC and BBB complaints it WORKED when he was here.

    We got contacted again by COX and they assured us that our area is getting ready for a node split in April of this year (remains to be seen), but still unable to get an upload speed of over 1mb through gigablast more than once a week (if we're REALLY lucky), so we contacted COX AGAIN!!! This time the tech was here this past Friday, he came out and said we had packet loss from anywhere between 10% and 30% and it kept fluctuating, I read that anything over 2% is atrocious. Now, he said a network specialist would be here this coming Monday (another remains to be seen), but what happens if once again our internet works perfectly when the specialist arrives?

    There's an issue here because they seem to be unable to detect actual issues when the connection works, so if Monday comes around and it's working perfectly, what's going to get fixed? Likely nothing right? So my neighbors whom have AT&T have been running speed tests on their internet connections for the last 3 weeks, and their speeds are exactly as advertised, and it's a weak pitiful connection, AT&T 50, but they at least get 15mb of upload speed at a near 100% consistent rate, we're going to give COX until the end of April and then we're dumping them, I would rather pay less than half of the near $200 we pay for COX for an absolutely awful download speed but VERY consistent upload speed (we're twitch and Youtube partners so we need the upload speed for live streams) over an internet we pay $200 for a month for half of the service that is offered.

    I don't blame the COX reps, nor the COX techs, I blame their bosses, and their third party "network specialists" for making this hoop jumping a thing, both of the techs we have had were great, friendly, good experiences, the reps we have spoken with were great people, but those in charge as well as the people they outsource their help to seem to not give any sort of care, I'm not about to put them on blast via posting their response to our BBB and FCC complaint, but they tried to nickel and dime us the first tech visit, and they should be more than willing to wave the gigablast fee ENTIRELY until it works.

    Nobody at any point should be treated like an idiot, and when some person doesn't understand that our upload is ALWAYS dead, we have a 3 week old $400 gaming router, a 3 week old Docsis 3.1 modem (all hard wired no wifi to PC's and consoles), all brand new cat 8 cables, brand new coaxial cable, that we're at least doing OUR part to ensure it isn't COX.

    The tech that came out on Friday said it's definitely not in our apartment, but the two responses we have gotten from COX corporate office suggests something different, that it's us. This has been the worst last few months I've ever experiences with any company, especially considering we have been with them and loyal for almost 30 years.

    Oh, and last thing, I sent in with our FCC and BBB complaint which I suggest you do if you contact them, a screenshot with a few hundred speed tests. Do not just use the COX website speedtest, nor Ookla app, the most reliable speed test you can run is the Measurement Labs M-Labs one through Google, ignore any hyperbole about why the COX website is accurate, there's a long detailed post on Reddit that actually explains the difference between Ookla and measurement labs, the M-Labs we found dead on based on our upload speed from OBS streaming platform to Youtube being the same exact numbers versus Ookla saying we're getting 5mb when no, that's 5mb one way. So run tests, LOTS of tests, through multiple speed test websites and apps including M-labs, do not hang your head on the COX website speed test.