Forum Discussion

Ltn1110's avatar
New Contributor II
4 years ago

Can’t connect to certain websites on panoramic WIFI

Been on the phone over two weeks and tech support can’t figure out what’s wrong. Switch out two different modem and still not working. I can’t connect to certain websites with my wifi on my entire network. For example: can’t get into WiFi with capital one, Cox or Twitter. I can connect to yahoo all the news website and Facebook. 

  • Thank you! I disconnected the router and everything is working again. I’ve always used a router and didn’t have problems until now. 

  • Bruce's avatar
    Honored Contributor III

    Are you just writing "WiFi" or do you mean WiFi specifically doesn't connect but wired does?

    The Cox website is interesting so it shouldn't be an issue with your IP.


    Yeah...we'd need a typical error.

    • Ltn1110's avatar
      New Contributor II

      WIFI doesn’t connect. I have to turn off WIFI to access the websites 

      • Bruce's avatar
        Honored Contributor III

        Do you mean to not use Panoramic but your cellular network to connect?

        "Server is down...unable to connect," huh?  I need to give this a think.

  • Bruce's avatar
    Honored Contributor III

    I'm glad I was waaaay off because I had the title suggests..."panoramic WIFI."

    Anyway...although's an easy read.

    Two terms for routers:  Bridge Mode and Access Point (AP).  Another clarification is the Panoramic has 3 components inside it:  Internet modem...WiFi router...and a telephone modem.

    When Cox connects your home to the Internet, the first connection for service is your Internet modem.  If you have only 1 device in your home, you could connect this 1 device to the modem with a cable and have full Internet the 1 device.

    However, most subscribers connect a router to the modem to share the Internet connection with multiple devices.  This second connection (router) is your gateway router...or main router...or the sole entry/exit router to/from the Internet.  Again, 1 of the components in the Panoramic is the gateway the modem component is connected to the gateway component inside the Panoramic.

    If you prefer to use another router...such as a better could connect this better router to the gateway router.  Then...within Panoramic...configure the gateway as Bridge Mode.  Meaning, this second connection...or gateway or main router or Panoramic WiFi...will do absolutely no networking:  it won't assign IP won't route traffic...and its wireless won't broadcast.  Bridge Mode just takes traffic from the modem component within Panoramic and transfers "bridges" the traffic to the better router.  The better router then becomes your network.  All devices...except the modem...connect to it.

    The second term...Access Point (AP)...only applies to the second (better) router.  If your gateway is the main router (assignments, routings, broadcasting) but has a weak wireless signal to an area of your house, you could connect an AP in this weak area.  Your devices in this weak area will connect to the AP and the AP will relay device traffic to the gateway.  The AP is just extending the network of your gateway to these remote devices.  Meaning, your remote devices are accessing your gateway router at a remote point in your house.

    As Mouth eluded, you may have 2 routers broadcasting 2 networks.  Therefore, shutdown 1 of your networks by configuring the Panoramic as Bridge Mode or the second router as an AP.

    For the best choice, answer these questions:
    1. Why did you connect the second router?
    2. If NONE of your devices can connect to these websites, why are all devices only connecting to this second router?

    I don't know how big your house or if your devices ever have problems connecting to the second router, but I'll assume the second router works fine.  If so, why rent the Panoramic?

    • Ltn1110's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Thank you! I disconnected the router and everything is working again. I’ve always used a router and didn’t have problems until now. 

      • Bruce's avatar
        Honored Contributor III
        didn’t have problems until now

        We could troubleshoot.

        If both routers were broadcasting as separate networks, all your devices suddenly started to connect to the network of the other router.  You haven't clarified if the other router is an AP of the Panoramic or a separate network. mistakenly took the other router out of AP mode. rebooted the other router, Panoramic assigned a new IP but your devices have a static IP for the AP.