Forum Discussion

friarfaithful's avatar
New Contributor
4 days ago

500 plan speeds drop to 30mbps

A few weeks I noticed my speeds had dipped and were capping out 30-35/mbps. Testing from a laptop directly into the modem. Reset modem and speed is back to 500 for about 90 seconds then goes back down. Replaced the ethernet cable and coax - nothing.

Called Cox - no help. Replaced modem with a brand new Cox modem. Full speed lasted about 5 mins before going back down to 30. 

Please help Cox. Your online tech support is terrible.

9 Replies

  • Another common reason is your local node has to manu people on it and during oeek hours your Internet goes to crap. It is e

    Very expensive to expand and Especially in rural areas don't expect rapid growth so often won't replace it until it is long past due. Seen it happen repeatedly.

    • Darkatt's avatar
      Valued Contributor III

      My local node is on Dark Fiber, I seriously doubt there are enough people hooked up using 2gb service to even put a dent in the capacity of that fiber. 

  • Darkatt's avatar
    Valued Contributor III

    Try using a different ethernet cable, and reboot your laptop into "Safe mode with networking", and run the test. If you are seeing the same issue, then it's indeed something with Cox. If the speeds increase dramatically, and stay that way, you have a piece of software on the laptop running in the background that is slowing it down. 

    My test on an Alienware R16 with everything running right and no background software is - 

    That's a Netgear CM 2000 and a Netgear RAXE300 router. Speed being paid for is 500 down and 50 up.

  • bigd9834's avatar
    New Contributor II

    I have same thing happening with sb8200, in October it started dropping speed to 30 mbps. This happens about once a week or a month, cox tech was out, checked the line and said the line is good and started recommending that I should use their equipment and blah blah blah. Having a second tech coming out if they dont fix it, i will file a complaint.

    • NicholeC's avatar

      I'm sorry to hear you've been having this experience. We hope the tech appointment goes well. If you have any concerns after that is completed, please feel free to email us at Thank you. 

  • thehumangerm's avatar
    New Contributor

    File an FCC complaint. They use support to just pressure people to purchasing more equipment and pay their exorbitant motor rental fees and support fees which should be included. If the drop yo your house is more than 10 years old it often needs replacement if exposed  to the weather and the techs don't want to do it so they gasslight and blame your hardware. Also They have a monopoly. They only care about profits regulations and fines. File with the FCC. They will have someone with actual authority resolve your issue or they will get fines.

    • Darkatt's avatar
      Valued Contributor III

      You are inaccurate. I have an RG6 cable from the box to my house that was installed in 1998. The ONLY reason it would need to be replaced is if water got inside. As long as your home connector has the proper watertight insulation on it, you should be good. ALL the center wire carries is an RF signal, much like a radio antenna. 

      When mine needed to be replaced, it took Miss Utility 40 days to come out and mark the ground, (Important because out electric grid is underground here), and within the week, Cox was out and replacing the run. Spreading misinformation only makes you look sad. 



    I'm sorry to hear you've been having this experience. Our team would be glad to assist via email at 



    Thank you.