Slow Upload Speeds; Trying to Stream on Twitch
So recently I have been trying to stream on, and even thoughwe paying for the Ultimate Internet package, which includes 30mbps upload, I am only able to stream at 3500 bitrateand this still doesn't guarantee a good quality stream without dropped frames. I would also like to mention that even though we are paying for this service, I am getting an average of about 20-24mbps upload, with it very rarely reaching 30mbps. I called about this a week ago I had two techs come out so far. One came out Monday the 17th and another came out today at around noon. The first tech said everything should be fixed by Friday, but I have performed multiple speed tests since then and I have yet to see speeds remotely close to 30mbps aside from a couple trials. (see attached image) He also put in a ticket for someone from Cox's maintenance team to come and see if there were any issues on the line outside my house, and from what I have been told, everything has been resolved yet I am still experiencing less than expected upload speeds. I also have performed multiple Twitch Bandwidth tests toverify that there is an issue with my upload speed, and sure enough I get mediocre bandwidth results along with very low quality connections to servers that are close to me. (see attached image) Not sure what to do at this point because it seems like getting a tech out here for the third time would be nothing but a nuisance to them, since all they do is come here and tell me they can't do anything about it and that they will forward the issue. Hopefully someone on here can provide me with some help. Thanks11KViews0likes17CommentsUnstable upload speeds - need solution
I have had a tech out and he replaced the fittings on the coaxial cables, and they upload speeds were fine for 2 days.Then they start to become unstable again. Try streaming to twitch using obs and the last section i had 16384 frame drops andcant even stream smooth at 3000kbps My upload speed is supposed to be 30mbps, but it is very unstable , and the download speed is stable. Need solutions please without having to pay.10KViews0likes0CommentsCox throttling upload speed to
Im an affliated twitch streamer and its really hard for me to do my hobby/job, because of cox throttling my speeds. Already replaced the coaxial cable making sure there are no bends or damage. My upload speed is supposed to be 10mbps, but its very incosistent. The same problems keeps happening for the past 5 months. I drop frames streaming and the stream is never smooth, just as i was growing. I've already had a Tech out and they resolved the problem for 1 day. Not looking to have another tech out. A lot of other streamers have had problems with cox streaming on twitch. The only conclusion i have is Cox throttling my upload speed.9.2KViews0likes0CommentsAnother Twitch Stream thread.
I have been streaming to Twitch for the last several years with ZERO issues. Over the past two days i am not able to maintain a connection to Twitch servers at all. I have run multiple speed tests and spoken with multiple technicians who seem to have no idea on how to help me. I have tried resetting/restarting both my modem and my router about 347 times now and its doing absolutely nothing for my connection. Has anyone been able to come up with a REAL answer to this?6.7KViews0likes11CommentsCox throttling Twitch
So I have been having lot's of issues streaming on twitch. I was ultimate internet user for about 3 years. I have been having issues streaming on twitch. I have had numerous techs come out and my signal levels are fine. I upgraded to gigablast thinking something might change and I'm still have the issues even after upgrading services and having more then 4 techs come to my house. It clearly looks like cox is throttling upload to twitch. I'm able to stream for about 3 to 7 min without issues then my bitrate up just drops. I reboot my modem and the issue goes away for a few mins. Download speeds are good no other connectivity issues. Modem has been swapped 3 times and I'm hard wired and have tried several different devices. It also looks like there's been several post regarding cox throttling and twitch on reddit and other sites. So what's the deal ? Why is it a issue for people with Cox internet to use twitch for gaming upload. I have to lower my bit rate to 2300 my friend has a different ISP and he has slower speeds then me and is able to do 5000 upload. Someone at Cox needs to look into this and fix this. It's not a issue on my end it's clearly something cox has going on. I even had a tech say it's possible we are throttling twitch I can't say if we are. He even saw the sudden upload spike drop and didn't have a answer and said that it wasn't a official cox test so he couldn't do anything about it but noticed the issue and said he wished he could fix it. This is unacceptable2.8KViews1like4CommentsWhen can our Upload speeds stop being throttled?
Really hard to maintain a live stream when my upload speed drops to below 1 mb/s every night until I get so mad I log off for the night. You expect everyone to continue to pay ridiculous prices for purposely controlled speeds the directly impact the reason we use your service. It’s disgusting.1.7KViews0likes4CommentsUpload speeds not as advertised; unable to stream to - Ultimate Internet Package
I am a Twitch Affiliate in the Las Vegas area who has been actively trying to increase the quality of my stream, but am held back by my poor upload speeds. Been a customer for years now, and over the last year I have had issues with my upload speed. I currently have the Ultimate Package (300down/30up), and my actual upload speed (when tested on ANY other website than, the only speed test that cox recognizes) is often below 5mbps, making it nearly impossible to stream at 720p 60fps (quality standard). I've had multiple visits from techs, supervisors, and level 2 support that have told me they don't see anything wrong with my connection and that the signals seem strong. I've actually shown them by program that I use to stream (OBS) and another program that actually tests my upload speed to the various twitch ingest servers (TwitchTest), but I've been told multiple times that my speeds are not guaranteed and Cox will only guarantee speeds within their network. In fact, I actually have had a supervisor tell me that there are over 500+ people on my "node", which are usually meant for only 200-300, but there was nothing that could be done about that. There are DOZENS of other threads that I've read like this over years of very similar situations. In some cases, some of them are actually Twitch streamers who live in Las Vegas. This issue is not new. I understand the argument that Cox can only be in control of pings and traffic that are within their network, but that really only makes sense to me when talking about download speeds, which honestly I could care less about (and don't actually matter because you will only ever receive data as fast as outside servers can send). If you think about what upload speed is, and what upload speed is for, why on earth can you argue that you can only guarantee the upload speed to Cox servers. Do you think Amazon, Valve, and Google have their servers in the Cox infrastructure? It's absurd and actually insulting to hear. Now, there was a time where when my upload speed was fine. The google speed test was reporting upload speeds of 30mbps. This tells me that it is possible for these tests to actually report correct numbers. My twitch ingest server tests would also report good readings, which allowed me to upload as much bitrate to Twitch as I needed. But then one night, about a year ago, there was an outage in my area. After everything was back up, my upload speed has never been the same. Again, since then, I've had multiple visits from techs and calls with support to try and resolve. I pretty much gave up, but last night my upload speed was actually only stable at around 1-2mbps, which is absolutely unacceptable based on what I am paying for. The router I am using is the ARRIS SB6183. I've actually contacted them as well and they advised me that my upstream channel strength might not be in the correct range, and that an attenuator might help. I actually suggested this to one of the techs that came out, and he told me it wouldn't help and refused to actually try it. it might be worth actually filing a complaint with the FCC to try and get something done about this, unless there is someone qualified that can help. Thanks -Shane1.5KViews0likes2CommentsInconsistent upload speeds when broadcasting to twitch
Inconsistent upload speeds when broadcasting to twitch I have had 5 techs come out, all could not solve the problem. Speed test are fine. They always are. I am trying to stream at 6mbs but it never even averages 3mbs, will go from 10mbs to 500kbs in seconds. again before any tech comes on here and asks me to run tests... they are all fine. all 5 of my tech visits for in home and out of home techs all said my speed tests545Views0likes2CommentsIssues Broadcasting on Twitch / Upload
Hello, I'm a Cox Gigablast customer and haven't had any issues streaming / broadcasting on Twitch prior to the other day. As advertised, I usually get 30 - 35 mbps through speedtest/ookla, etc. When trying to broadcast at 6000kbps I experience constant frame drops (visible in OBS Studio) where the upload would drop every few seconds to varying values (anywhere from 1200 kbps to just under 6000 kbps). Has anyone been experiencing this lately? It's very frustrating because not only do I need Twitch, but I need the ability to stream/upload video for work. I've already tried resetting, power cycling my modem/router. I've chatted with Cox technicians (via the chat feature) and the only recommendation was to have a tech visit (which I'm not sure I'm comfortable with at the time). I am hard wired as well. Any help / guidance would be appreciated.499Views0likes1Comment