Cox service is making me lose my hair!!!
UPDATE 2/7: today the internet went out andas usual it happened in the same time like before. UPDATE 2/6: so I had a tech come in on Thursday [2/4] to look at the "issue" and they said that it was the POE filter and the splitter that was installed on the main line that's causing the disconnections. They said it was not up to spec with their network. Okay so they replaced it with their own as well as replaced the coax cables that's connected from the outlet to my modem. Today [2/6] I've now experienced a disconnection for 10 mins instead of a mere 1-2 mins prior to this "fix". So I pretty much spent $100 of my money just to get a worse network experience. I, and others in my household, rely on your network 24/7 not just for leisure but also for workand cannot have interruptions this severe. I am now contemplating on reporting this to the FCC the more issues I experience. I've been having issues everyday at the same timeframe with my gigablast. I've never had an issue before but so far it has started on the 2nd week of January to now and it had only worked without issue for two days straight last week.. My network connection would cut off multiple times around 11am-2pm everyday and whenever I ask assistance they would always tell me that they'll send out a tech to check my connection. I've factory reset my modem and router a million times, switched over to another coax port in the house, have tried having a direct connection from the main line to one coax port (no splitter), I've done having direct connection to the modem and all these steps have not resolved the issue. The website says that there are no outages, maintenance, service interruptions whatsoever but there clearly is. It seems Cox isn't as responsive unless it about bill pay. Customer Support would always pull a "let's have a tech come in to check your connection", no my connection isn't the issue, the residents in the vicinity is having the issue andCox doesn't seem to understand that. I've asked multiple times to check the main line that goes in our area but no one is sent to check it. There are multiple reports even on Downdetector of the same issue I'm experiencing.3.4KViews1like14Comments3 Months of Multiple Daily Instances of Modem Self-Restarting
I am at a loss here. For the past 2-3 months, I've been having issues with my Panoramic Wifi modem issued by Cox, model CGM4331COM. At least 2-3 times per day, it will restart itself. This has been an everyday occurrence since the issue started. Starts off with losing internet connection to all devices, then the modem will blink yellow, then blink green, then back to solid white. It only takes about 5 minutes to come back online, but the constant daily interruption has become very irritating. Tonight it did something new, which prompted me to create this post; we lost connection and the light turned solid red until I unplugged the power and plugged it back in. We've had at least 5 techs come out to inspect outdoor lines, indoor lines, connection strength, ingress, the works. In the order in which steps have been taken to resolve the issue: A filter was installed on the outdoor connection. We had a pretty badly squirrel-chewed line that was replaced at the pole. There was an outdoor connection leading into our attic that was totally corroded that was replaced. The last tech that came mentioned that he removed a splitter in our attic so that we are directly wired from modem to pole now. In between all of this, we have been advised to replace the modem, and we did (twice). I have tried the online and telephone help options several times. A couple of times, it has restarted itself while I was on the phone or chat with the agent, and their only advice was to restart it? We have had the modem plugged into both a surge protector and directly into an outlet, and it still restarts itself periodically. We have tried plugging it into a different outlet with the same results. It has restarted itself whether it is physically connected to any devices via ethernet or not. All connections are tight and secure. I am not sure how to insert data into a table on here and make it legible, but I will occasionally look at the connection status screen under CM Error Codewords. Unerrored Codewords usually sit in the 50-100 million range. Correctable Codewords sit in the ~100k+ range. Uncorrectable Codewords will sit in the high 10-20k range. If need be, I can try to get better data from that section. Before this gets to be a novel, I'll leave it at this. I believe I have covered most of what has been attempted during the long troubleshooting process, but the last agent I spoke to on the phone happened to mention that none of the previous techs have been documenting their findings, so everyone that helps me at this point will just have to trust that we have tried seemingly everything with no results.982Views1like14CommentsPacket loss in San Diego, CA
I have been experiencing packet losses since February. I have been ping testing with CMD every single day and have noticed that these packet losses I have been getting are completely random. It can last about 1-5 mins to 1-6 hours. I have already contacted COX a few times already and they don't see anything when pinging the modem/router. I have checked the cables on my end, none of them are faulty. Resetting the box and router do nothing. They even gave me a new Modem/router just about a week or 2 ago and this problem still persists. Getting work done is getting to become impossible with these packet losses. I even sent an FCC complaint and haven't heard NOTHING back at all.365Views0likes1CommentConstant T3/4 errors
Constant outages for the last several months, T3 and T4 errors in the logs each time. Never had issues except when maintenance was performed, then a round of cox trucks came in the area and we've had constant issues since. Replaced the modem without improvement, Motorola worked with me for weeks and came to the resolution Cox needs to get their stuff together and fix it. Tech came out and the only issue he saw was the signal was a little too hot, so we put a damper on the line and that didn't help anything. Motorola then said constant T3/T4 errors would cause a modem reboot in a last ditch effort to establish connection, something primarily with T4 errors and reprovisioning attempts. All my attempts to reach out to Cox has been laughable, they immediately want to reboot the modem (its always been rebooting when I call or chat) or send a tech to my home and bill me for cable replacement - brand new RG6U that worked fine for years. Never had issues till one of their techs messed something up down the line. Now it reboots several times a day and night, and our work from home keeps getting interrupted. Last speed test results 38ms ping, 383.6 down 9.8 up, and 3 ms jitter. Speeds are fine till it cuts out. No complaints otherwise. What do I need to do to get someone to fix this junk?1.1KViews0likes12CommentsFederal Assistance program approved and I still don't know what Cox is doing with my account
I'm approved for lifeline and truconnet and other types of assistance because I'm disabled I spoke the Cox and they don't say nothing I got everything from the federal government confirmation numbers and whatever else that show was that I'm approved and every time I try to talk to pop you'll find out when you see your bill go down and it's been months644Views0likes2CommentsInternet Disconnecting STILL
Hello Cox, I am writing here cause at this point I am incredibly frustrated. For the past few months we have been continually struggling with our internet. It cutting out with no rhyme or reason. We had a tech come out and they "found the problem" which was a bad splitter in the attic. Fixed that issue and was told it should work now. Worked for a couple days and then boom. problem back. Called the tech back out and after looking at everything they said oh all the cables were really old and they weren't sure why they hadn't been changed last time. All of them were changed and we were told again that should fix it. Well we are STILL having issues. I work from home and this has been interfering greatly. Why does this keep happening? I really do not want to call the tech back and and honestly don't feel like i should have to. having a tech come out 3 different times because they found 1 problem and then stopped there is not okay. At this point I am starting to think its all a waste of time and money and just want to have stable internet so i can work. When we loose internet it still shows that i have full bars.413Views0likes1CommentWired internet requires constant "Refresh" to stay online.
I'm disgusted and ready to move away from Cox because I constantly need to click "Refresh" to stay online. I'm wired but my wife uses wifi. She doesn't seem to have the problem. Sometimes I restart my browser and it comes back up. Sometimes I need to restart my computer and it comes back up. And I'm sure it may be my laptop connection. But nothing tells me what the issue is. I have an Iogear adapter with a USB-C connection. I wish the connection was an Ethernet cable, because they don't have this USB-C connection type perfected yet. I've had to replace many adapters and cables on other laptops. My guess is that Cox cuts the connection if there is inactivity for random amounts of time. Many times it doesn't tell me to refresh-it just goes dead.479Views0likes2CommentsWANATTACK DROPS
I understand what these are as I'm a 20 some years has a IT person. What I'm having a trouble with is every time some one or something sends a small amount of packets it is causing my Modem to drop internet connection and reset. It happens 4 to 5 times a day and my wife works from home and it is cause problems with her working and voip calls. We are connected with ethernet not wireless. The Modem connection light starts to blink and then resets the modem and then the connection light becomes solid again until the next little attack. I have the panaramic modem. I have tried different things, I have went from one extreme to the other. I have shutoff the Firewall completely and rebooted it for the firewall to take affect and it still is making logs in the firewall log stating that it has blocked these packets even though i have shutoff the firewall. it still cause the internet modem to drop connection back to the Headin to reconnect with Cox service. Cox should have a way in the modem to disable IPv6 address so we can try to see if that would take care of it. Firewall Log FW.WANATTACK DROP , 12 Attempts, 2021/12/8 19:58:00 Firewall Blocked FW.IPv6 FORWARD drop , 8175 Attempts, 2021/12/8 16:58:00 Firewall Blocked FW.IPv6 INPUT drop , 32064 Attempts, 2021/12/8 16:58:00 Firewall Blocked Just for proof, I do have the firewall shutoff and still the firewall is blocking things and shutdown my modem and rebooting it. Home Network Ethernet Wi-Fi MoCA Firewall Security Level:None I have ordered a new firewall router and I'm going to go into the modem and turn on the Bridge to pass all traffic to the new firewall router and see how that is going to work. I will update on here to let every one know how it went.2KViews0likes1CommentSame story over utilized neighborhood.
I've had the tech(s) plural out to my house. Everyone one of them finds a different issue that could be the issue but nothing works. I know they like to focus on WiFi but that is just a secondary service of the 1Gig connection to the house. We are not a big user of internet with exception to a few hours at night and on the occasional weekend that my son is not working. With that being said, when he is on his Playstation it is unreliable. WHY? Well like many have already stated in many other treads in this forum, it has to do with over utilization for the neighborhood node. I recently had a business technician run a report on my address and found that the utilization for our area was in the "Red". He said when you have your tech come out have them run a report on utilization and they will be able to escalate the issue to the maintenance team. My latest tech had no idea what that meant and had been working for COX for 15 years. His suggestion was to remove the other WiFi devices in my home and that should help the wired connection. SMH! He did say he would ask about the information I had provided but wasn't sure if it would be approved for an additional work order. So, now I type this message and put on paper (Computer) my issues before I call/text the person that is going to ask me to reboot my modem for the 500th time in the last 10 days. Not that they will understand my frustration as they can only read from the playbook that they are given to resolve basic issues. Where is the expert level support number? How can I by-pass this step without screaming at the poor person who is only trying to do their job, but won't work outside of their small area of responsibility. I know, you can email Will that get the results that I need or just another response of woe is you. WHEN WILL COX ACTUALLY PROVIDE A SERVICE THAT I PAY FOR? Not some of the time but all of the time. I'm glad SRP and/or APS don't provide power if and when they feel like it373Views0likes0Comments