Data Caps
Is there ANY plan to just get rid of data caps altogether? Almost every ISP has migrated away from and abolished data caps at every speed plan in the US. Spectrum in Texas offered 500mbps with no data caps for 60$/mo. The fact that Cox dosent even extend the data cap to say: 2tb for 500mb or 4tb for gigabit is absolutely ludacris. 1.25tb amounts to nothing in 2022 and its either purposefully done to rake more money out of customers or the higher ups are so out of touch they think meat is grown in the deli isle. It wouldn't be so bad if there were actual competitors in the panhandle but that's not the case due to all the lobbying and gerrymandering for control of areas. Cox, please do something an extra 50$/mo for unlimited download is rediculous. If cell providers can offer unlimited data, you have no excuse.383Views0likes0CommentsNeighborhood throttling, what's next?
To the worst company I have had the displeasure of working with, This article, and its comments, sum up my feelings about Cox entirely. Get it together, your company is a joke. Please do something about it. To throttle a whole neighborhood because of a single, or couple bad actors (and in this case, I don't even think they are because if you're ripping them off for "unlimited" and then turning around and punishing them for using what they're paying extra for (needlessly, might I add, so you can thicken your pocket books rather than invest in network improvements). Data caps are a way for you to overload your network and skimp on investing in improving the infrastructure. If your network is strong enough, you don't need them, and they're simply a way to make more money for equipment that is running regardless of whether it's at capacity or not. The fact that you have no difference in data caps between tiers is an additional slap in the face. One should not be able to exceed their allowed usage in three hours at max download speed, what the heck is that all about? Here, check out this amazing speed, but don't use it for more than three hours or pay us extra per 10GB increment or $50 a month and then still get attacked because Cox refuses to invest in their network and would rather find cheap, shady ways to rip of their customers. I can't wait for SpaceX's StarLink to become operational, or any other competitor to become available in the Phoenix area so I can ditch your awful service and never look back again. In the future, I will not purchase or rent property in a location that is only serviced by Cox for internet. That's how much of an impression you make on people, I hope you're happy. Quit being an evil, greedy company and do the right thing for a change. Do not engage in shady business practices, throttling whole neighborhoods upload speeds when the majority users have done nothing wrong, and the ones you claim to have done something wrong are only using their service as advertised by you crooks, and paying extra for "unlimited" to which you respond in this way. I have no respect for this company, or anyone that works there. You should all be ashamed for yourselves, how you sleep at night is beyond me. Sincerely, A long time, and extremely frustrated customer972Views0likes2CommentsLifting Data Cap Covid-19
I'm curious if Cox will follow in the footsteps of AT&T and Comcast in removing the data cap limit during the outbreak. I work for Hartford Healthcare in CT, and more folks like myself are starting to work from home during the outbreak, and with my ability to remotely monitor our hospital's systems via VPN, I'll burn through my limit fairly quickly. Cox? This seems like an easy PR win.7.2KViews5likes27CommentsAre you fed up with excessively high data usage?
I've been a network engineer for several years, my boss for much longer. We have been compiling tons of information on Cox and the way they do "business" for awhile now under different alias' and addresses. With enough leverage, I feel like we have collected sufficient data to finally push back and would like to compare / contrast with others of a similar mindset. I am absolutely confident at this point there is a case to be made here. I doubt we will garner enough support to achieve a class action, but it certainly doesn't hurt to try. That being said, we are more than happy to take on a standard lawsuit ourselves and leave "you" anonymous. If you would like to discuss this in more depth please send me an email at - (not my primary email for obvious reasons) if you have any material you would like to add or would just simply like to support. I'm not here to debate or discuss on the forums and frankly I don't expect this post to remain up for long, I am just going through the proper channels first so I can document them deleting my post before escalating to more visible options.649Views2likes2CommentsCan I get unlimited data on a month by month basis?
There are some months that I might need to go over the 1TB limit. But most months I do not. When I pay for unlimited data, the monthly fee covers the whole month correct? So I can buy the unlimited data plan and it applies to the whole month, then cancel it? And do this as needed for the months that I need a lot of data?2.3KViews0likes3CommentsExtreme increase in data usage
Since I have renegotiated my price my internet data usage has spiked to more than 2X my previous usage. I added the additional 500GB of data so I wouldn’t go over and now this month I am on trend to use more than the 1TB + 500GB. I’ve changed my network password and name, even factory reset it. No new devices or software are being used. Has anybody else experienced this? I’ve spoken to tech support over the phone and they’ve been utterly useless and suggest I up my plan AGAIN to the unlimited. I feel like Cox is doing this to me on purpose!16KViews0likes12Comments