Why can't I log into HBO Max or ESPN on my iPad
I am getting the error shown below on my iPad which is "Sign In Error. We are experiencing technical difficulties. Please try again later" It never works, no matter how long I wait or how many times I try again. This is not a technical difficulty. This is a defect. I cannot log into HBO Max or ESPN. I can log into AMC, it uses a different authentication method that works with Cox. It pops open a web page. I can log into HBO Max on my Mac using Safari. That works fine. This appears to be a defect on the Apple iPad. I have yet to try this on my phone. I need this working on my iPad, not my computer. I don't take my computer to where I view my shows. I need this working on my iPad. Also, watching with contour is not great. Contour does not track where I stopped watching an HBA show and always restarts what I want to watch. I have to search for the last scene I watched when I want to resume watching. Really annoying. Contour is not working well so that isn't a great option for me. Bottom line, I'm not having a great experience with COX and HBO Max because of this. I can't use the HBO Max platform (their app) to watch shows. E.g. I want to see if I can download and watch shows while I am traveling. Using contour is klunky. It works but not well enough. This is a major problem for me. I just signed up for a year of this and this is the first week. I am frustrated. I spent almost an hour with tech support last night on chat. I was suppose to get an email this morning with something to make this work. I got nothing. I am hoping support can get this problem identified and fixed. I have reset my password (always a good thing to do anyway). I have quit and restarted the application to no avail. I've tested on my Mac as I said above and that works. I even shutdown and restarted the iPad. Nothing clears this problem. It is persistent. [Moderator Edit: Removed Attachment]1.9KViews0likes16CommentsA few HBO channels not coming through?
HBO HD 1200= Works HBO2 HD 1201= Information Loading ... Please wait. HBO Signature HD 1202= Works HBO Family HD 1203= Service Unavailable / Information Loading... Please wait. (Sometimes comes through but not for very long) HBO Comedy HD 1204= Little white specs? Maybe just the movie. Works HBO Zone HD 1205= Works HBO HD 1210= Works HBO2 HD 1211= Every 30 sec Service unavailable. I went through this list a few times just to make sure it was consistent with what I wrote and is exactly what is happening. Keep in mind every channel elsewhere works fine with no issues just the few HBO channels that are exhibiting these errors. I tried to get help through online chat and he had suggested a turn in the receiver for a new one but it is quite some distance away and I have my doubts it would fix the HBO problems since everything else works fine. We had just moved and not sure if it has been happening since but yesterday I was trying to watch them and they were giving me problems on just a few of the hbo channels. Very strange and not sure what this could be since my internet and everything else works fine including all other HD channels available? Was hoping that maybe others were also experiencing this problem because that would make sense then.Solved5.9KViews1like6CommentsBest HBO Channel?
I record several HBO programs on Sundays - True Detective, Last Week Tonight, etc. For two out of the three last weekends, my scheduled recordings failed. If you look at the "Missed Recordings" list, it says recording failed because Cox was experiencing technical difficulties. I called technical support (and, as is always the case), they rebooted my Contour DVR. My wife was watching one night when the HBO recording was scheduled, and she could see that the entire signal was missing - no signal was being transmitted. The Cox support representative said that they had been experiencing problems with HBO and support had received a lot of complaints. (I am in Las Vegas.) I have been recording the main HBO HD channel (1200). So I decided to change my scheduled recordings to another one of the HBO channels (I think I tried 1211). This recorded, but when we played the recording (True Detective), the picture broke up constantly, the video and audio dropped out several times, and, while we completed the program, it was not a pleasant experience. Should I be using the "Main" HBO channel (1200) for my recordings? Are all the HBO channels created equal in terms of signal strength and reliability? The Cox Support representative suggested that if my problems continue, I would need to schedule a technician visit. About three years ago, I had the same issue - with numerous support calls and several technical visits to my home resulted in no improvement. The last time they were going to send someone to my house again, I suggested that the problem was not my home wiring or my DVR - it was the signal being delivered by Cox. That got them to put a monitor on the main switch box for my community - and sure enough, they discovered that entire channels were dropping out during the day (for the entire neighborhood). It seems like something similar is happening again. I have posted before about turning on my DVR and seeing an error message saying that there was no signal available. (This included the HD channel for the local CBS affiliate.) This was easy to fix by tuning to another channel and then back to the original channel. For some reason, channels are being shut off. Hence, my question: what is the most reliable HBO channel? David3.3KViews0likes5CommentsSigning in to HBO GO
I am all of the sudden having a problem signing into HBO GO online. You must sign in with your cable provider. When I try to sign into COX I receive an error message. At the top it says "HTTP Status 500." And the description says, "The server encountered an internal error that prevented it from fulfilling the request." I've tried 3 different browsers, with no luck. Any ideas on whether or not this is a COX issue or possibly a problem with the HBO plug-in? I'm stuck. Help, please! #justwannawatchbiglove5.5KViews0likes2CommentsHBO On Demand - Missing Game Of Thrones Episodes
I recently added HBO to my Cox Cable account and have been catching up on Game Of Thrones. Now, I have noticed that most of the episodes are missing from the HBO On-Demand channel. I got half-way through season three and suddenly all the episodes disappeared. (This happened while the on-demand function was not available due to technical problems.) Any idea of why this is the case? I signed up for HBO Go and all the episodes are present on HBO Go. If they are on Go why aren't they on Cox? David6.4KViews0likes1Comment