Contour recording
Does the new Contour 6 (and Contour 2) DVRs automatically store 6 (or 2) channels at the same time without setting up to record? My present DVRs (I have two) both auto record the channel each tuner is on and I can switch back and forth with the "SWAP" button. Is this feature available on the Contour DVRs?726Views1like0CommentsAudio sync out of whack in On Demand
It happened at around 42 minutes into each of the first three HD episodes of SyFY's "Battlestar Galactica", and with one other title which I can't remember. Reminded me of the the voice and mouth movements in the late 1950's-early-1960's Japanese monster movies. Having searched for a similar issue here in the forum I read of the recommendation to unplug the DVR (Cisco 9865HDC) for at least 60 seconds, which I did, which didn't help; the audio hiccup then occurred at around the 24 minute mark on episode 4 of the same series. What *did* seem to at least temporarily alleviate the problem was to click the Exit button on the remote and wait a few moments, but surely there exists a more permanent, lasting solution than this?8.1KViews0likes13CommentsContour boxes still locking up...
I know this has been posted several times, but the dates on some of the similar posts are in 2014, and describe the exact problem I'm having today in 2017. At least 3 times a week, our contour boxes lock up for anywhere from one to seven minutes, and you can't change the channels at all. No buttons work on the remote (except volume). You can't even press any buttons on the box itself, including the power button. Several times I've had to unplug the box from the wall, then you have to wait on the 15 minute boot-up process. We have two boxes in our home and they both lock up and unlock at the same time. I've brought one of the boxes back thinking it was the problem, but the new one does it as well.1.3KViews0likes1Comment8642HDC hard reboot - how often is reasonable?
I've had an 8642HDC for about 5 years now (no other equipment). Every so often it gets stuck when trying to delete a recording and requires a hard reboot (unplug and plug back in). Watching TV still works during those failures and the guide still works, but the DVR seems to get corrupted. The box gets light use and is always less than 50% full in terms of recording capacity. What is considered "reasonable" in terms of having to hard reset the box? every week? month? day?... I don't mind resetting it, but it does take quite a while to get back running again...1.5KViews0likes2CommentsCIsco 4742HDC
I asked a questions earlier and apparently I gave to much info regarding the issue because it was replied to and then locked by Moderator, Michaelj. My 'TECHNICAL' question is, (I will underline it, since it was hard to spot in the original post).... Should the Contour service be supported on the Cisco 4742HDC? Since I am being billing for it and billing says that it is a technical issue I figured I would start on this forum before contacting support. I was under the impression this forum was to discuss the most common technical questions with the Cox Community, not just the Cox Moderators, at least that is what the forum home page suggested. Please, do not lock my question. I would like the opportunity to respond to replies if need be. I'd sincerely appreciate it!1.5KViews0likes1CommentDVR playback - black bars surround picture
I get black bars surrounding the TV picture but only during playback of TV shows recorded on the DVR. Live channels fill the entire screen. It almost seems to have something to do with the Picture in Picture settings (those at the bottom of the DVR remote). I am not using the PIP features, but pressing the Swap button on the Cox remote switches back to live TV (which may be normal operation?). My setup is simple: coax from wall to DVR, one HDMI cable from DVR to TV. DVR is new, just picked up from Cox last week (Contour). TV is about one year old, Vizio. How can I get a full size screen during playback of recorded shows?2.5KViews0likes1CommentOnline Access To DVR
What COX app is used to view programs already recorded, or to delete programs already recorded, or to change options on programs/series that I am already recording? Basically, I want to do everything from a laptop or Android app that I can do with the Contour remote. I have Time Warner cable and DirecTV satellite at other properties out of state, and they both do this with both laptop or Android apps. There are some restrictions on what I can watch when I am not on my home network, but I can still at least set recordings and delete existing recordings from anywhere in the world. I'm sure COX must have such a feature, but I am unable to find it. Thanks.5.1KViews0likes3CommentsContour XR11 DVR functions
I have the Contour XR11 remote. I sat on the remote the other day and discovered the remote hit some combination of keys to fast forward my show by 10 minutes increments. Also one day I dropped the remote and it rewinded the show to the beginning without having to go through a complex series of menu options. I have been trying to find the manual on the remote and how to access these advanced playback features. I even contacted support and they had no idea. Someone must know the advance features of the remote. Please help!1.3KViews0likes1Comment