Forum Discussion

archath's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

Packet Loss, Gaming, VOIP problems

I have been experiencing poor performance with video calls and online gaming.  I ran EMCO Ping Monitor and saw a trend where my connection is worst during the day and gets quite a bit better in the middle of the night.  I wonder if there's just more traffic in my neighborhood than Cox can handle.  I am in Scottsdale AZ.

I am not sure a resolution is possible right now with all that's going on, but I would like to hear from Cox if they acknowledge that there are problems on their end in my neighborhood.

  • ChrisL's avatar
    Former Moderator
    I'm a little confused by the date you've collected. It appears you're testing the connection to the router and not the Internet. Can you try testing from a different device and see if you still experience problems?

    • archath's avatar
      New Contributor

      Hi Chris, there are 5 tests in the document.  I include a test to the router to establish that my LAN is solid.  The other 4 sites (,,, and show that they're all equally bad.

      • KevinM2's avatar
        Former Moderator
        Hi Archath, to better understand the issues you're having, can you please email us hard-wired traceroutes and/or PingPlotter results to the gaming servers that you're having issues with? We can be reached at We will need to view each hop on a hard-wired connection, to determine if the latency or packet loss is occurring on our network. Fluctuations in latency within connecting networks outside of Cox’s network is generally something that we do not support. -Kevin M. Cox Support Forum Moderator
    • jonathonjoseph's avatar

      Chris, I am in Scottsdale AZ and my ping plotter looks exactly the same as yours. Its over sold and saturated nodes that Cox is refusing to split or take any action on. Since Cox has a monopoly in Scottsdale on broad band we are screwed without support from the FCC. I highly encourage you to fill this out and help drive a resolution to the Scottsdale and other Arizona problems that have existed for over two years now.

  • archath's avatar
    New Contributor

    I did have a technician come out yesterday.  He ran a new drop from my house to the node and plugged his tester, as well as plugging in my gateway, to the coaxial cable at that location.  Still got 5% packet loss, so at least we no longer have to scrutinize my equipment or my house's wiring.  He filed an outage with Cox but I don't know how long it will take for any progress to be made.