Forum Discussion

d3x0r's avatar
New Contributor
7 years ago

Why are ports blocked? This thread (OPEN PORT 80)

says it's part of acceptable use policy....

I guess this Clause..

5. Servers. You may not operate, or allow others to operate, servers of any type or any other device, equipment, and/or software providing server-like functionality in connection with the Service, unless expressly authorized by Cox.

What gives you the right to specify that? 

I mean... there's certainly nothing preventing you from stating such things, it's a First amendment right of course... 

7 Replies

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  • Hello,

    Web browsers use Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP) to communicate with web servers. In addition to protecting bandwidth by preventing customers from running high-traffic web servers, we can stop many destructive worms that spread through security holes in web server software.


    Allan - Cox Support Forums Moderator

  • AAstevens's avatar
    New Contributor III

    sorry, that answer is not acceptable, let me give you a short and partial list of ports as an example i require to have open and untouched by your company to perform technical/security duties. 

    9, 20-25,43,80, 81, 85,107,443,445,515,520,585,587 4520-4525,5900-5904....
    not ONE of them is used as a "server" in the context of your opinion. 
    are you aware that web servers use the same bandwidth as visiting a web page. you want to fight bandwidth hogs, fight web ad providers, that is 85% of the waste on our network. (3 years worth of network logs for proof available)
    are you also aware that torrent and other peer to peer services provide fast file transfer of legitimate data. i deal with OSS alot and DO use the torrent protocol. but i block this and all related items from our business because it uses up resources quickly that others must have access too (those logs are also available) i actively kick people off the network for even touching the ports. 
     this is residential service to business service. you will see this short list is an example of ports i require open and never touched, im sorry if you and ajit think that everyone just wants to order fidget spinners and post selfies on AOL on only the non encrypted port 80, but i require my access as head of technical and security to make sure people are safe. 
    Im well and capable of handling and logging all of my business' network traffic. Cox doesnt even provide a (stable) DNS server that can filter this traffic which would allow blocking hotlists to deny sites (including bandwidth clogging torrents) so i dont need things like TCP(rst) commands tainting my networks. some of your emails to our business were not even properly checked, the worm traffic is not possible. and the traffic you detected was the use of a port that may have been used for that worm 10 years ago, but was reused BY ME as an empty tunnel to conduct legitimate security work. 
    as it stands, service at my business was down again today, and is currently unusable. this means fire alarm systems over the joke of a VoIP system causes false alarms to our fire monitoring service. without untouched access i can not ssh or VNC into my monitoring hardware, and i cant view my business security cameras. this makes my job impossible. 
    TL;DR limiting access to your choice of ports, is not enough to provide security of my guests. apparently i am more up to date on worm ports used, and have stomped a few on port 80. try again. worms DO NOt reside on 1 given port, thats not how TCP works
    try this little test when you get home, block ALL ports on your home router other than port 80, then please, update your post with your findings. 
    oh, PS, your forum software is not https (secured and encrypted), that is not giving me much comfort in CoxComms ability to protect its users correctly since it requires a login and passes more cookies thru its network for a single page than a oven tray can cook IRL. 52?, really?
    now, as for ports actually being blocked, as it stands ports are being slowed today, but not blocked, and this is causing massive headaches for remote work. 

  • Hello, we do restrict ports on our residential modems. If you are in need to access certain ports to operate your home business? We would normally recommend you to our Business Services partners so they can discuss options converting your account over to a business account. Business modems have no port restrictions. The last statement concerns us as you mention ports are slow today and not blocked. Ports would be open or closed period. If traffic is coming thru today on what you considered closed before. We might want to look into your account and check on the modem's signal or if we have any area concerns going on. If needed please reach us on Twitter at @CoxHelp, visit us on Facebook, or email by at Provide us the name on the account with the full service address with a link to this thread so we can get started.
  • d3x0r's avatar
    New Contributor

    re  'Web browsers use Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP) to communicate with web servers. In addition to protecting bandwidth by preventing customers from running high-traffic web servers, we can stop many destructive worms that spread through security holes in web server software."

    you already employ data caps to do that.

  • d3x0r's avatar
    New Contributor

    I don't have a business.  But I do have personal things I'd like to serve.

  • AAstevens's avatar
    New Contributor III

    sorry you cant read.
    i use my HOME service to work on things at work. in fact im trying to block a torrent users right now at this very moment, but since im home on my residential service, as i stated. connecting to my business, as stated, with proper and overly paid for service to each. yes, read my post, actually read it.

    " this is residential service to business service"

    since im unable to get a stable and clean connection, i cannot ban that torrent user from our network. Cox, has officially cut me off from my job. something i could do up until 2 days ago. hmmm wonder why. i have begun to setup some monitoring system from my home , to my business. and monitor how cox is treating my traffic. this will be posted online for all to see when complete. 
    NONE of the hardware in question is yours, Cox has no say on my routers and firewall gear, and i use a compliant modem on both ends. the hardware is identical on both ends with custom monitoring hardware i setup on the business end (its how i know someone is using P2P clients and violating our guest policy). Cox is to provide unfettered service, and the destruction of net neutrality is not in place yet. Cox is still under title 2 classifications for a little bit longer. 
    since you wont allow me to connect to my business to block torrent users, DO NOT sent torrent use warnings to my business, its that simple. 
    i edited and shorten this post in hopes you can make it to the TL;DR part this time

  • dbsanders's avatar
    New Contributor

    Are you telling us Cox is restricting ports OUTBOUND from your home? They prohibit "servers" on home connections, and block INCOMING ports in an attempt to enforce this. But outbound connections are wide open in my experience. How are you connecting to your work? As a security person surely you're using a VPN or at least SSH? I've never had an issue connecting to things outbound in a secure manner.