Forum Discussion

havoc2k's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

port forwarding

how do I add an IP to forward ports?

I just upgraded my modem & now I can't see my camera server to forward the ports

  • I ran into a similar problem. I had upgraded last fall and set up all of my wireless cameras set up for port forwarding. Now, I don't claim to be an IT expert, but i can hold my own in configuring my equipment. The recent Panorama modem update blocked me from seeing any of my cameras. And, when I tried checking my port forwards by logging onto my modem, I found that Cox eliminated that option and required me to use their "" site. I still could not do anything to eliminate the blocking. I ended up calling tech support (yes, I do subscribe to that service) and after about a half hour on line with the technician, the solution was to disable the "Advanced Security" option. Doing this allowed my cameras to be viewed once again. My only comment to Cox: I understand your efforts to simplify operations for the masses... but why change something that has WORKED for the rest of us? These changes should be OPTIONS, not REQUIREMENTS. As my old boss used to say, "They'll keep 'improving' systems until they become totally useless".

  • RO4DHOG's avatar
    New Contributor

    I did have success just now, by adding the port forwards using the new system, then Restarted the entire Gateway (Cox Router).  My Security Cameras are now accessible!

    I've noticed other people saying that a recent update has caused issues with port forwarding.  Also, the new Advanced Security features disable all port forwarding, and require you to Accept and Authorize each IP that does try to connect.  Of course, if you're using a mobile phone (Random IP each day) you would have to log into your router everyday to authorize your cellphone to access your camera system.

    Cox is trying to simplify things, and has removed all advanced port forwarding features that we all had working fine, from their Gateway to the Cloud.

    The alternate solution at this time is to BRIDGE the Cox Router (disables everything) and use it as a Modem only... then buy your own Wireless Router and perform advanced functions on your own router.

    Cox won't even discuss any of this port forwarding debacle unless you purchase their Customer Support package.

    • ColleenD's avatar

      Bridging may work for some situations, however, making these types of changes can adversely affect other services (such as WiFi Pods and Stream Player) so putting a Panoramic WiFi modem in bridge mode won't be the right option for everyone.

      Cox Social Media Support Specialist
      • RO4DHOG's avatar
        New Contributor

        Please ask Cox to include a message or functionality in the New Wifi.Cox.Com Port Forward section to Recommend Restarting the Gateway Router when user is finished adding Port Forward entries. 

        Restarting the Router is required, but not mentioned anywhere in the Port Forwarding configuration screens. 

        Restarting the Gateway or Router was NOT required before, when the Gateway (Router) managed the ports locally.

  • Mark107's avatar
    New Contributor II

    I ran into a similar problem. I had upgraded last fall and set up all of my wireless cameras set up for port forwarding. Now, I don't claim to be an IT expert, but i can hold my own in configuring my equipment. The recent Panorama modem update blocked me from seeing any of my cameras. And, when I tried checking my port forwards by logging onto my modem, I found that Cox eliminated that option and required me to use their "" site. I still could not do anything to eliminate the blocking. I ended up calling tech support (yes, I do subscribe to that service) and after about a half hour on line with the technician, the solution was to disable the "Advanced Security" option. Doing this allowed my cameras to be viewed once again. My only comment to Cox: I understand your efforts to simplify operations for the masses... but why change something that has WORKED for the rest of us? These changes should be OPTIONS, not REQUIREMENTS. As my old boss used to say, "They'll keep 'improving' systems until they become totally useless".