Volume Changes - TV & DVR Recordings
We've been noticing a lot of issues regarding the volume for quite some time. The volume when watching certain television shows directly can usually be adjusted lower than the recorded shows that we watch (and then there are the issues with watching tv shows that are on networks vs. cable vs. movie channels - the volume needs to be adjusted accordingly...). Up until recently, we only had to increase the volume by 5-7 numbers (from watching tv to recordings). Within the last few weeks, however, we find ourselves watching recorded shows with the volume between 30 & 40 (and no, we are not both having hearing difficulties). And, it can't just stay at whatever setting we have it on because there are sound fluctuations in the show (or commercials that we let run...); we are constantly adjusting the sound, which is annoying and frustrating. We have made no changes to anything. Can this issue be resolved?