Forum Discussion

Evaluator's avatar
New Contributor II
3 years ago

Morning Boot Issue

Aug/Sep 2022 - DVR + 3x remote boxes

Most mornings over the last six weeks or so, we awake to find "boot" on the DVR and no TVs come on.  Only th "b" in boot is lit.  the letters "oot" are dim.

When this happens, SmartHelp and manual online reboot will not work.  

If you keep unplugging and plugging in the DVR and the remotes, at some point things work.  This is usually after an hour or two.

Cox support is zero help.  They had me take two of the remote boxes in for swap.  One because that TV (remote) is the first one we try, so they said swap that.  The second remote was swapped because it was an older model.

One of the two swapped boxes was DOA, so another trip back to Cox.  The system worked for a day, then the exact same failure.  Cox wanted to send a tech out, but I decided to take the DVR and move it to one of the remote TV sets.  That was to see if the problem followed the DVR.  After two days, same failure.

Is anyone else seeing anything like this?

  • cloud is not a solution since what is currently on the hard drive is lost.

    cox offers no mechanism to export a list of what is on the dvr. 

    cox offers no mechanism to export what is scheduled to record.

    your suggestions are all me doing manual stuff [watch quickly, determine what is available on demand or for re-record, write down what is scheduled to record] which entails a lot of effort, high possibility of being incomplete or inaccurate. guaranteed to raise blood pressure and dislike for cox's concept of 'solution'

    i was hoping maybe someone knew of a way to actually grab information from the dvr [if it ever reboots]

    * recordings

    * list of recordings

    * list of scheduled recordings

    e.g. swap and/or copy the hard drive whether to new dvr hard drive or some other media.

    cloud translates to streaming.  if i want to stream, why bother with contour?

    no - none of what you've mentioned can be called a solution

  • Had this issue Saturday and again today (Tuesday). Saturday it was off-line until about 2 pm when it suddenly repaired itself. Because it resolved I canceled the in person tech visit. Would getting a new box help? Tech support was worthless besides scheduling an in-person visit. 

    • JonathanJ's avatar
      Former Moderator

      I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. If it's a signal issue swapping out the cable box won't resolve the issue. If you have more than one cable box and it's working you can try that outlet.

      Jonathan J
      Cox Moderator
  • lwporter45's avatar
    New Contributor

    Yes, happened again this am at 5:30. Turned on to watch the news and saw the restart message. After rebooting myself and two different Cox support rebooting finally came back on at 9:05. Boxes aren’t synchronized when this happens either.  This is the 6th time this has happened in the last 2-3 weeks. Always late at night or very early in the morning. 

  • I scheduled a 1 hour recording at 7:00 am pacific time and it failed to record because the DVR was rebooting itself.  So I know the reboot started before 7:00.  Tomorrow morning's test will start at 6:00 am.  When mine reboots itself it is always after midnight and before 8:00 am when the TV is off, and the reboot never finishes, I have to unplug the DVR and plug it back in and wait about 30 minutes for it to finish.  I'm trying to determine if it happens between 2:00 and 4:00 am when updates are scheduled.

    • MasterMyDomain's avatar
      Contributor II

      This morning, 11/2/2022 the DVR was rebooting itself and the 2 scheduled recordings at 6:00 am and 7:00 am failed to record.  So I know the reboot started before 6:00 am PDT.

    • MasterMyDomain's avatar
      Contributor II

      This morning, 11/3/2022 the DVR was rebooting itself and the 3 scheduled recordings at 5:00 am, 6:00 am, and 7:00 am failed to record.  So I know the reboot started before 5:00 am PDT

    • MasterMyDomain's avatar
      Contributor II

      This morning, 11/4/2022 the DVR was working and the  4 scheduled recordings at 4:00 am, 5:00 am, 6:00 am, and 7:00 am all recorded properly.  Will continue the test tomorrow.

  • Chuck63's avatar
    New Contributor

    Been having same issue last 7 days on top of dvr playback has been erroring more recently too.  

    And cox 's answer is let us send a tech out to check and of course at a service call fee.   

    • DavidA2's avatar
      Former Moderator
      Hi Chuck63,

      I am sorry to hear that you've been having trouble. Please feel free to email us at with your service address and a link to this forum thread.

      Cox Forums Moderator
  • Summary of my tests from 10/21/22 through 11/19/22:

    8 morning rebootings in 30 days and 2 failures to record properly even though DVR was not rebooting in the morning. TV was always turned off shortly after midnight until 8:00 am. 

    2 rebootings were after 4:00 am (4:02 am when recordings stopped early and one instance where no recordings were scheduled after the one that finished recording at 4:00 am)

    2 rebootings were prior to 3:59 am but exact time not known (those scheduled for 4:00 am & later did not record)

    4 rebootings were prior to 8:00 am (1 prior to 5:00 am, 1 prior to 6:00 am, 1 prior to 7:00 am, and 1 prior to 8:00 am). Starting at 7:00 am on day 1, I added a 1 hour earlier program to the schedule each day until every hour after 4:00 am had a recording.  None of these recorded and the DVR was rebooting every morning.

    One error when the DVR was working properly at 8:00 am was a recording scheduled for 4:00 am didn’t start until 4:33 am. A previous recording ended at the correct time of 3:15 am. There may have been another recording scheduled for 3:00 am to 4:00 am that failed to record, or I may have accidentally not scheduled it

    The second error when the DVR was working properly (not rebooting) was that none of the scheduled recordings from 1:59 am to 4:00 am were done. This was the only error on a Sunday morning (not a workday).  It wasn't the result of the end of daylight savings time which was the prior weekend and we didn't have a power outage (all our clocks were working).

    The only Saturday error was this morning when the scheduled 3:59 am 1 hour recording stopped after 1 min 36 sec. I had turned the TV off at 12:11 am and the failure happened at 4:01 am. This is 10 minutes less than the 4 hours of inactivity that puts the DVR into Power Saver mode which I turned off months ago suspecting that it was causing the rebootings.

    My conclusion is that the rebootings are caused by Cox doing updates between the scheduled hours of 2:00 am to 4:00 am. I would consider the Saturday early morning event to be an end of the Friday business day schedule. Do they do these every night or just periodically? And could they be started slightly before or after the schedule time frame?

    Or the cause could be that the DVR just hiccups now and then.

    • MasterMyDomain's avatar
      Contributor II

      This morning, a Sunday, the DVR was working properly but a recording scheduled to start at 3:59 am pst did not start until 4:09 am.  I had turned the TV off at 12:15 am so this was 6 minutes short of the 4 hour Power Saving mode kicking in (which I have turned off) but is within the 2:00 am to 4:00 am range when Cox does updates.  Do they do updates on weekends?  

      • Allan's avatar
        @MasterMyDomain, updates can occur at any day/time depending on what is required for the update. -Allan, Cox Support Forums Moderator.
    • katydid's avatar
      New Contributor

      It happens to me annually three years in a row - always at the holiday time. I used to unplug the router and tv - power/HDMI/coax cable for both and wait about an hour.  I read another comment recently from someone on a Comcast box and they said it was the HDMI cable so I would switch the cable between the DVR box and the extra playback box and reboot. That worked for a few days. Now I follow some combination of changing the HDMI (i put it in 2 or 3) and plug/unplug the DVR power until (sometimes with the HDMI cable plugged into the box and sometimes without it).  I wait about 2 minutes because sometimes it will make it past the boot after a minute or two and sometimes it won't.  It's a lot of off/on unplug/replug, but now I only have to fuss with the DVR and TV and not the router nor the coax cables.  The same Comcast thread I found said if you change your DVR/TV connection from HDMI to another connection the problem stops but I haven't found the right connector for my newer TV.  I'm also 2am-4am update and one day a week there is none and the DVR stays on. Other days it either hangs in boot or maybe it hangs so long the power on the DVR goes off, but the actions above (I've not found a consistent pattern yet) have lessened the amount of time I spend trying to recover it.  If they'd just invent a way to transfer recordings, switching out boxes would be no big deal.  Online comments about the cloud are not positive, although I've found one neighbor here in Las Vegas who says he's satisfied with the cloud but has a whole host of other problems.

      • MasterMyDomain's avatar
        Contributor II

        I haven’t had a daily update for 2 weeks and thus no morning rebooting problems. I changed the daily update time to 4:00–6:00 am PST and scheduled recordings every morning from 3:00-8:00 am. None of the recordings have been interrupted since I started this test. Two mornings ago (12/18/2022 7:55 am) a notice appeared that an update would be starting in 5 minutes and all devices would be shut down briefly. This was 2 hours past the scheduled time and I assume this must have been a special update of some sort. At 8:01 the update started and the DVR shut down but a mini-box in another room stayed on. The DVR rebooted itself 4 times before it came back on - - the welcome message on the screen would go dark and it looked like an error message flashed on the DVR where it displays the date. It finally succeeded at 8:29 am. I didn’t have to unplug it. As luck would have it this was in the middle of the soccer World Cup final. I wasn’t recording it but my neighbors did and theirs recorded without any gaps. Their line comes in from a different pole than mine. My experience for most of this year has led me to conclude that the rebooting problem is the result of an intermittent bad or week signal and unplugging the DVR, waiting 10 seconds, and plugging it back in usually fixes it in 15-30 minutes. Sometimes it takes a few more unplugging attempts. Only twice has it taken several hours. It’s the signal on the cable going into the DVR, not the cable going from the DVR to the TV which is usually off during the wee small hours of the morning when updates usually take place. My guess is it’s caused by climate change - - fluctuating humidity and temperature combinations that temporarily affect the cables and connectors in the attic or at the pole across the street which is the prime suspect when it takes a few hours to fix itself.

  • I changed the Scheduled Daily Update Time to an earlier range of 10:00 pm - 12:00 am and scheduled recordings from 9:00 pm to 1:01 am. The first night the Daily Update started at 12:00 am or shortly after and when finished it rebooted the DVR successfully without it hanging.  It's been a week and there have not been any more Daily Updates.  Every recording finished without interruption and the DVR never was shut down.  Thanksgiving was 6 days ago and I thought Cox might have suspended Daily Updates for a few days around the holiday but there have not been any Daily Updates at the start of this week.  I'll let you know when the next update happens.

    • MasterMyDomain's avatar
      Contributor II

      This morning, Friday Dec 2 the DVR was working and the recording from 12:00 am to 1:01 am showed it recorded 61 minutes, but when watching it it abruptly stops between 57 & 58 minutes with no message.  I assume it must have done a daily update.  If so, this seems odd since it is scheduled for 10:00 pm to 12:00 am and this was almost 1:00 am.  I'll change the scheduled recordings to 9:00 pm to 2:02 am and see what happens.

      • CurtB's avatar
        Honored Contributor

        Have you verified your cable box is a receiver on Cox's published list?  A user in another thread is having an issue that I believe may be due to a brand and model receiver, not on Cox's receivers list, that they received from a Cox store and is having issues with Contour.  You have a different issue that could have the same cause.   

        Identifying Your Cox Digital Receiver

  • katydid's avatar
    New Contributor

    I have this problem every year, starting around November/December.  You can change your update time window in settings control if a time other than the 2-4am works better for you (to troubleshoot at a different time of day). 

    I found another post about a Cox DVR produced by CISCO. The person had found the problem resolution by searching the CISCO websites. I have DVR Contour Record 6. I used to unplug all (including coax) for DVR and router and wait 30+ minutes before plugging back in (sometimes doing this multiple times), but after reading the post from the guy about the CISCO box (mine is not CISCO, I think it is this "Arris XG1v3 High-Definition DVR Receiver), he indicated it was an HDMI error so I've been able to minimize the troubleshooting now by following that info.   Cox support and a few techs may understand the problem, but they can only "fix" it by giving you a new box because the next day's update will drop you back into boot.  I very happy on the days I get up and still see the time on the display instead of boot.

    I unplug the power and HDMI cable from the DVR, let it sit for a while, and then plug only the power back into the DVR. Watch the display, if it can bypass boot to config and then the time, it should finish the welcome screen load within 5 minutes or so. After that, I plug the HDMI cable back into the DVR box and live TV usually comes up within about 30 seconds (or longer if the welcome screen or three dots are still loading, as long as the time is on the DVR display and not boot). Sometimes I've seen the DVR display change when I turn off or on the DVR/TV power, but I think that may be coincidental timing.

    You may have to unplug/replug the power a couple of times to make this work so don't immediately give up when boot displays, wait a few minutes to see if the DVR will recycle power and the power recycle (the DVR makes a startup humming noise) will sometimes kick it out of boot.  If I go through one of those cycles and it's still on boot, then I unplug/wait/replug the power to the DVR again. All of this happens without the HDMI cable plugged into the DVR box.  Thats only occurs at the very end to get the live picture back on the TV when the DVR is fully recovered.   If most people have their software uploads on the default 2-4am time, then the system is busy connecting every device at the same time so you may have less problem recurrence with a different update time. 

    I get up around 6am with my pets, but I will sometimes unplug everything and wait until after 7am before doing recovery attempts, just assuming fewer boxes are trying to connect then. Then I leave my main TV and DVR on all day (even if on mute) just to be safe. Many times, but not all times, the recordings still record, but you can't get to them until you fix the problem.  And, when you unplug/replug power, your recording will most likely be interrupted by the times that you're not plugged in.  I do not schedule anything between 2am-8am to record or I know I either have to get up early or the recording is subject to being missed/interrupted.  In the early years, my second TV would still work while the DVR was still stuck in boot, but now both TVs error out on the signal.

    The original poster with the CISCO box did say if you replace the HDMI cable with another connector option between the DVR and your TV, that it would prevent the problem from recurring, but I haven't found a connector to work the DVR to my newer TV.  Since every Contour box you get is remanufactured, they all eventually wind up with the same problem - whether it's parts or the software uploads causing the problem, I'm not sure. 

    I researched the cloud DVR storage, but there's still so many complaints of problems (plus I'll lose what's on my DVR now) I haven't switched. I did go into a store to get more info (Wifi requirements, box requirements, storage limitations - though I just learned on here that you can only keep recordings for one year regardless of space usage) and a cost estimate, and it was equivalent to my current monthly cost with the DVR Record 6 plus one extra TV.  There is not really good information - support or sales - on their website regarding the Cloud DVR. 

    It's virtually impossible to "empty" your DVR and switch boxes without loss of some programs.   In the local Cox store, they're using the streaming device, but have no cloud DVR solutions on display to show you how it works - that was disappointing. I wish there was a more reliable way to get information on the Cloud DVR.  One neighbor told me he switched his wireless receiver for hte wired version and he's had improved service on the Cloud DVR, but he still has to have the device switched out, he just benefits from now losing recordings now.  

    I'm almost considering a second DVR to transition new recordings while I play out the old recordings on the existing box, but in a year or so the same boot issue will start all over again so really until Cox invests in new hardware - unlikely with the cloud solution - it hardly seems worth it.

    While typing this, I'm wondering if I unplugged the HDMI cable from the DVR before going to bed if it would prevent the DV from getting stuck in boot during the update....

    Good luck.