Forum Discussion

Eddie_T's avatar
New Contributor
3 years ago

Factory Reset EVERY night!?!

I seem to be living in the movie "Groundhog Day".  Every day this week we are faced with the same issue.  To begin, the old DVR box was giving us a lot of trouble with playbacks.  Took it in Saturday and swapped it out.  Easy Peasy right?  Wrong.  Got home and hooked up new box....nothing.  No signal to the TV from the box.  Of course technical assistance (really should come up with a better name for them) explained how it HAD to be my HDMI cable (because that's what the paper told her to say).  Too late by now to get back and get cable for weekend.  Took box to store Monday afternoon and swapped again...assured there would be no issues.  Got home and plugged it in and went through all the set-up and voila...we have cable.  Problem solved?  Not by a long shot. Wake up Tuesday morning and put TV on....nothing.  Go to main box...nothing. No cable for tuesday either.  Tech (who had been scheduled earlier) is to be there that afternoon.  He walks in, looks at it and fixes it with just a few quick swipes of his hand.  Explains to me when they put in some information into system they made a mistake and it tells the system to shut down the box when the update runs at night.  So now it's fixed, right? Wrong!  Same exact thing happened last two nights.  Every morning i have to reprogram the main box just like it came out of the box from the factory.  Only thing i get when I call in is "SORRY" and we can send a tech out.  Already did that and he siad it was a problem with the office.  I did get them to refund me for the days I was either without cable or have to fix their equipment.  Really interested to hear the reply to this.  

  • Hi Eddie,

    Sorry to hear about your insanely irritating multitude of issues; hopefully you've gotten some resolution by now.

    A question about your statement that the initial DVR box you exchanged had "trouble with playbacks": What type of issues did you experience?

    For the past couple of months, a good portion of my recordings have issues playing from start to finish. Every couple of minutes, the show will freeze and then I'm booted out of the episode and back to the Contour Recordings screen. When playing the episode again, any watch progress is lost and the show starts from the beginning. I'm able to fast forward past the spot it froze and it will play, but freezes again shortly after; it also doesn't always freeze at the same spots when replaying the recording, so it doesn't seem as if that portion of the show had an issue with the signal when it originally recorded. This happens when viewing months old recordings and brand new ones and on multiple different channels.

    I'm wondering if this is similar to your experience and if Cox had any insight as to the issue beyond "you need a new box." I've had the same DVR for nearly 6 years, so it may be time for a replacement, but that means I'll lose everything recorded and have to reschedule all of my series, which is annoying and time consuming.

    Thanks for any feedback you may have!

    • DavidA2's avatar
      Former Moderator
      Hi RoseColoredGirl, I am sorry to hear that you've been having trouble with your DVR recordings. Please feel free to email us at with your service address and a link to this forum thread. We would be happy to take a look into that with you.

      Cox Forums Moderator
  • hammerva's avatar
    New Contributor

    Yeah it is happening to me again as well.  About 2 weeks ago a "system update" took hours to complete.   Their solution is always to unplug the box and restart.   Well I put the system update back to it's normal time around 4 in the morning  at that time I was doing pretty good.  Sure enough this morning it is 6:30 and stuck in boot.     Will get the same answers as usual which is unplug and plug 

    • DavidA2's avatar
      Former Moderator
      Hi Hammerva,

      I am sorry to hear that you are having trouble with the box. Please feel free to email us at with your service address and a link to this thread.

      Cox Forums Moderator
  • GusD's avatar
    New Contributor

    Hi Eddie, I'm living in the same Groundhog day.  You're a little ahead of me.  Have you found a solution yet?

    Thanks, GusD

    • DavidA2's avatar
      Former Moderator
      Hi GusD,

      I am sorry to hear that you are having trouble with the box resetting. Please feel free to email us at with your service address and a link to this forum thread. We would be happy to take a look into that for you.

      Cox Forums Moderator
  • kmkkmk's avatar
    New Contributor

    Yep, same thing here. 5 resets, 3 boxes and a tech visit and still no better. Verizon here I come. 

    • tfuertes's avatar
      New Contributor II

      I didn't know Verizon did TV. I am so fed up with paying over $200 a month and I have to reboot the box EVERY day. I am checking into the deal COSTCO is offering.

    • Allan's avatar
      @Kmkkmk, We certainly don't want to see you go and we do want to help. I recommend sending us an email with your full name, address, and a brief description of this concern to -Allan, Cox Support Forums Moderator.
  • CurtB's avatar
    Honored Contributor

    If the same thing happens with every box, the issue probably isn't the cable boxes.  You most likely have a poor signal.  

  • DavidA2's avatar
    Former Moderator
    Hi Eddie,

    I a sorry to hear about the experience that you have had with the cable box recently. We would be happy to research this with you. To do that, we ask that you email us at with your service address and a link to this forum thread.

    Cox Forums Moderator
    • Eddie_T's avatar
      New Contributor

      I will be at the Cox store around 4:00 this afternoon.  Is there ANY chance i could meet with SOMEBODY who might have a clue how to fix this?

      • PJS2's avatar
        Contributor II

        I know it sounds silly but have you tried changing the HDMI cable? I was having similar problems as you and changing the cable to one rated for 8k fixed the problem. The system worked fine and then "poof" it stopped working ( I did NOTHING TO IT ). HDMI cables are known to be cantankerous. For 13 bucks it saved a lot of grief. Best of luck.

    • Eddie_T's avatar
      New Contributor

      Have no fear, it get's better.  I will be in to the store again today, for the third time in less than a week.  Now the box will not boot up.  Box went out while we were watching it last evening and hasn't come back since.  Tried to "reboot" a couple times last night to no avail.  Got tired, went to bed.  Woke this morning and tried again before I left for work.  When you "reboot" the "welcome" screen comes up and makes you wait a while.  The digits on the front of the box show a bright "B" and a dim "oot". Finally the box just got tired and quit sending a signal to the TV.  I have to say, I am beyond mad.  It is almost to the point of comical now  As far as anyone thinking I am crazy about what's been happening....every night we have recorded shows to watch later and every morning they are erased.  I am not sure how else to put it but the box has been resetting itself each night since this began.  What makes it sad is technical assistance (really just an operator reading prompts from a list) has repeatedly told me that my HDMI cable is bad.  That's the best they could muster.  By this afternoon we will have been without cable for more than 8 continuous hours  for 7 days and this will be the 4th box.  I am only asking to receive the service we pay for.