Forum Discussion

MasterMyDomain's avatar
Contributor II
7 months ago

DVR Recordings Disappear

Recordings keep disappearing from my DVR.  They were not watched or deleted, are less than 1 year old, and the DVR is only 75% full.  I’m forced to monitor this daily.  A recording made 7/14/24 was still listed on the evening of 8/19/24 but was gone on the morning of 8/20/24.  Another recording made on 8/4/24 disappeared on 8/6/24.  There are 2 others I know of that were recorded on or after 4/24/24.  I also discovered that 7 of the 10 episodes of the VietNam War documentary recorded in 2017 have disappeared.  None of my VCR tapes ever erased themselves.

  • taylortime's avatar
    New Contributor

    Yes Yes and Yes.  The same exact thing happens to me why do they just disappear my DVR is not full.  My recordings are new then disappear.  I'll have a recording from 4 years ago still there.  It's strange.  Very disappointing.  I have some great recordings and when they just disappear not good.  Again they are not a year old I get that.  I wish I could help your issue but all I can do is agree with you hopefully they will fix it.

  • CurtB's avatar
    Honored Contributor

    That's been an outstanding issue for a long time.  I suspect some cable boxes Cox has been using may not have the required specs to properly multitask all of Contour's functions.   Were you watching TV and/or recording when the daily update occurred?  What brand/model box do you have?  Some of the cable boxes used by others reporting this issue a few months ago weren't included on the list of Cox Digital Receivers.

    • MasterMyDomain's avatar
      Contributor II

      This is a followup to my reply 4 hours ago which mentioned another recording had disappeared.  That one was at 5:00 AM today (8/21/24).  It was on the DVR at 10:00PM last night (8/20/24).  No daily update from Cox was done during that period. 

      At 7:48AM an update message appeared and I clicked to start it.  It finished at 8:54AM and after the update a second recording had disappeared.  So deletions can occur during an update but they don't occur on every update.  They also get deleted when there is no update.  To me that indicates updates don't cause the deletion.

      In July & August there were updates almost every day but of 262 recordings made from April through August only 7 were lost.  Since most of the recordings were made in sequence (for example, episodes 4 to 12 of an old TV series), if a bad sector on the DVR disk became corrupted you would think several recordings in a sequence would disappear at the same time.  That hasn't been the case- - all of the deletions were originally recorded days & weeks apart.

      The daily update process is a nightmare but since it isn't what is causing the deletions I'll do a separate post covering the problems I'm having with it. 

      • CurtB's avatar
        Honored Contributor

        Do Contour updates cause a reboot?  If not, try setting a reminder in your calendar to perform a manual reboot once a week.  If programs are being deleted because of a memory issue, a scheduled reboot might prevent it.  

  • Another recording disappeared over night.  A daily update didn't occur during this period - - they always cause the system to reboot every 7 minutes for 1 to 6 hours.  Cox just deleted a detailed reply I had been working on for 90 minutes.  I'll try to reconstruct it off line and paste it here later, but it was describing the problems caused by daily updates which prevent or interrupt scheduled recordings but don't seem to be the cause of existing recordings being deleted.  My guess is the lost recordings are a software problem that Cox can't identify.  My box is several years old.

    • ChrisJ2's avatar

      Hi, there. I'm so sorry for the lost recordings. I'd like to help. Please email us the physical address and any other pertinent information to with your name and a copy of this forum message. I will be glad to look into this for you. 

      • MasterMyDomain's avatar
        Contributor II

        I just sent a very long email to Cox with details about both the DVR & Rebooting problems.  I tried to also post it in its entirety as a reply to CurtB but it doesn't show up yet.  A similar thing happened a few days ago so either the Forum software is buggy or I'm doing something wrong.  I click on Reply, then a box appears and I type my comments in it, then click on Reply in the lower right corner of that box and poof! it's gone.