Forum Discussion

Sandiego1979's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

Contour Sort by Season

Hello - my previous Direct TV DVR would allow me to sort my recording by season & episode.  Example: If I record all Seinfeld, right now my setting currently shows the episodes by date recorded, NOT by Season -> Episode.  Is there a setting that I am missing on the Contour that will show recorded series in this manner, IE:  Season 2, EP 1, Season 2 EP 2, Season 2, Ep 3 —- allowing me to watch the season in order regardless of when recorded?

Please advise — this is a big miss if not possible.  I have the new Contour DVR, can record 6 at a time if that helps.  

Thank you!


  • KevinM2's avatar
    Former Moderator
    Hello, if you type in "Seinfield" or use the voice-activated remote, you will see a list of all seasons. To the right of each season and episode, it'll list whether you have the content recorded, whether or not it's on On Demand, or both. If it's available recorded and available on On Demand, you can click on that episode and choose which way you want to view the content.

    I hope this information helps. -Kevin M. Cox Support Forum Moderator