what brand mesh networks will work with my Cox router
- 4 years ago
If you have a wireless router and need to extend its wireless range, you can buy Range Extenders, Mesh Routers or plain ol' routers. With Range Extenders, Panoramic is limited to only the Pods.
If you want to install plain ol' routers in the dead zones, these will work with your Arris TG1682. However, you wrote mesh so I'm trying to figure your best approach.
The question is we don't know if these rooms are dead zones or not. These rooms may be dead zones due to the wireless limitations of the Arris TG1682.
If you want to install a mesh network in your home, there are brands complete with a router and 2, 3 or 4 satellite Access Points you can install in the other rooms.
Research from about 4 months ago. Look for the 2 tables.