I hate to be the bearer of bad news but there is a very high chance this will never be fixed. I am experiencing the exact same issue you are. I am paying for 100mbps down and 10mbps up. I am not joking when I say that my upload speeds range from 0.00 (yes you heard me right 0!) to around 0.05mbps. I am also getting 5%-10% CONSTANT packet loss.
Of course Cox is quick to blame my equipment, which I knew was not the issue. So to prove my case I went and rented Cox equipment. Of course, the issue persisted. constant packet loss, pathetic upload speeds. My company shifted to work from home. The sad thing is that i do not require much in terms of upload speeds. I work in accounting, so i do very basic tasks. Email PDF and Excel files. Save changes to files stored on the cloud. Well, with my upload speeds + my upstream packet loss I effectively have 0.00 upload speed. I have called and called, begged cox and even CRIED to please fix this. My jlivelihood is now at risk, I literally cannot do my job and Cox could care less. Support agent and supervisors can't do anything. Just like the Cox employee below this thread they will spout the same garbage trash "your signals look strong on our end! I detect no packet loss from your modem!" it is all BS!
Cox Techs are incompetent liars, i had a tech come to my house and CONFIRMED there IS packet loss and it is at the tap and NOT on my end. He says he will submit a ticket and claims this will be fixed in 3-4 days. 10 days later the ticket is still open, my packet loss and upload speeds are insane. I call Cox to inquire about the ticket and of course! Cox agents and tier supervisors are USELESS!!! they dont have ANY information on the ticket other than the fact that its open. THEN i call to find out the ticket has been RESOLVED!!! WHAT A JOKE! Cox are a bunch of incompetent clowns. I still right to this very moment 11:30 PM 08/01/20 am sitting on 6% packet loss, 26.90mpbs down (i'm supposed to get 100) and NO JOKE 0.01mbps up!!!! I am convinced this will NEVER be fixed.
Some google searches net results of people experiencing this very thing YEARS ago! scheduling up 4-5 tech! and playing the same stupid game.
1.internet doesnt work, schedule tech
2.tech shows up, confirms the problem is cox, submits a ticket
3. ticket marked as resolved, issue not fixed.
4. repeat step one.
If you have other options that are not DSL or satellite RUN, cox are a plague of incompetent clowns with a failing infrastructure.I unfortunately don't, cox has a monopoly for my zip code. so I am SCREWED!!! as long as i live where I am now I will NEVER have working internet!