Forum Discussion
Please let us know if you have any additional questions or concerns. -Kevin M. Cox Support Forum Moderator
- Mick5366 years agoNew Contributor III
Good morning, Kevin --
Thank you. Since it came up from JP Sports, and I have the same spammer (Wild Alaska), what filter would you suggest to send them to the spam folder?
- Allan6 years agoModerator@Mick536, If these emails are coming from a private domain, I recommend blocking the entire domain. This will prevent any emails from that domain and will prevent spam from new email accounts created on that domain as well. -Allan, Cox Support Forums Moderator.
- Mick5366 years agoNew Contributor III
Hi Allan --
If only it were that simple. The spam often comes in from 'partner' or 'associate' accounts. For example, the one at the top of my home junk folder came in at 06:40 this morning. It says From: " Ad Partner" <> Subject: Zantac Cancer Lawsuit Evaluation.
I can block but that's not who will send it tomorrow. A filter of 'From contains zantac' doesn't work because it apparently doesn't look at the alias. For instance, I've tried filters of 'From contains Partner' and they're useless.
And a filter of 'Subject contains Zantac' doesn't work, and I think that's because it uses non-ascii and even non-English characters. What would work is 'Content contains Click Here' but that's a pretty broad brush.
I don't use Zantac, so how to I stop this server-side?
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