It's really not the only way. There are many people at Cox who take pride in doing a good job, I was one of them for 16 years till I retired.
That's not to say there aren't some who are less talented, knowledgeable or caring, it means that for some reason, you haven't gotten to someone. Next time when you call, simply request escalation to CAG. First, they HAVE to escalate you when you request it, and I know MANY of the people in CAG, they are knowledgeable and will help you get the situation resolved.
Here is a quick breakdown of what is considered normal jitter for the internet: Very good: Less than 10 ms. Good: 10 ms to 20 ms. Normal: 20 ms to 50 ms, an acceptable jitter level should stay below 30 ms. Anything higher than 30, and you may start to see issues with audio or video quality.
Your BIGGEST issue is packet loss, it SHOULD be ZERO., 20% is horrible and absolutely indicates a problem. What modem and router are you using? Have you tried swapping the cable wire from the modem to the wall, and if you have a wall plate, try replacing the barrel connector in the wall plate. Don't overtighten the cable wire, it can cause the contacts inside to spread wide and make bad contact. The cable wire carries an RF signal, much like the antenna wire in your car. I snug connection makes the best contact.
BTW, I was a Tier 2 data agent and then a CAG agent at Cox, so I will do my best to provide you good information.