Split Band toggle switch missing
- 6 months ago
All you need to do to split the bands, is to give a different SSID name to each band. call the 2.4 BAND1, the 5.0 BAND2, (or whatever you want to name them), and they are split.
It IS however unnecessary, as keeping them the same name allows each to device to autoconnect to the best band. IF a device ONLY has 2.4, it will ONLY see the 2.4 and connect to the 2.4. Anyone who tells you that having a 5ghz device with the same ssid will cause the 2,4 not to connect doesn't know what they are talking about. If a device can ONLY see 2.4 it doesn't matter if you have 5ghz, and in my case 6 ghz as well, all with the same name, because it can ONLY see and talk to 2.4. The others don't matter, because they are completely different frequencies and the 2.4 only ghz device will ONLY see and talk to the other 2.4ghz device.
Example. I have an RAXE300 netgear router, that has 2.4, 5 AND 6ghz frequencies. ALL with the same name, (Which wifi 6 devices will tell you to do). My Blink doorbell camera which is 2.4 sees the router and talks to it without issue, as does my upstairs tv, again older model and only has 2.4. The other frequencies, even with the same name CANNOT interfere, as they are completely unseen.,
BTW, I am a network engineer, AND used to work for Cox for 16 years, and I wrote WiFi guides back in the day as well, so I know what I am talking about. I also used to beta test for Linksys, YEARS ago.
Additionally, for your FYI, the new WiFi 6 and 7 devices, will tell you to have all bands with the same name, and they will auto steer as necessary.