Forum Discussion

SpectreRT's avatar
New Contributor
6 years ago

Packet Loss: Gaming and Cloud connections

Hello Cox community:  

Lately, I am getting significant packet loss when playing games (PUBG, Overwatch, Fortnite, etc).  I've had up to 12% upload packet loss, but rarely any download packet loss.  This packet loss is also causing frequent disconnections from my Amazon AWS instances, or connections to Microsoft Azure. 

I've replaced my modem, bypassed the router, refreshed the Windows OS and re-downloaded the software.  Today I reinstalled all the drivers, and the issue persists.  

I've had a Cox technician in my home, who states everything looks good on my end.  

Has anyone else found a resolution to this issue?  It is painfully annoying.  

  • try using the VPN called Speedify. It helps with packet loss but it gives you higher ping

    • 402PrimeTime's avatar
      New Contributor III

      Speedify kind of blows. It reduces your up and down speeds to a crippling degree and also your ping will increase - sometimes skyrocket.